Getting That Huge Guitar Tone.


Jun 8, 2012
Hey guys I am working on another project and am trying to get my guitars to sound huge in the mix. Any suggestions on how to do this i.e EQing etc... Could I eq out low end on the guitar and let the bass fill it in and if so how exactly would I do that.
I am not very knowledgeable about guitar eqing so sorry if this question seems stupid.
Oh and I am using Logic if that makes a difference. If you could walk me through it I would REALLY appreciate it.
Oh, currently no eq on the guitars and they are doubled tracked. Hard left and right.
Lately I have been "using" Ermz philosophy, with success, of tracking guitar really huge, and then downsize them in the mix with EQ. Practically, make the guitar sound awesome and huge by itself when solo'd, and then put it in a mix and filter out the frequencies the cloud the other instruments. Also, the bass DOES play a big role in how the guitar is perceived - That really huge tone you're looking for is probably much thanks to the bass in those mixes.
Im not at home right now. I will try to later though. Thanks for the help thus far.
Thanks. It is a rough mix though nothing final. The drums are slate essentials. I normally use platinum. Im going to try the ola englund bass track too and see how that works.