getting toms with good volumen


Jun 12, 2005
i have a problem, all mi mix sound fine but the toms ( real toms from a real drum) sounds quite low.

some technique or tip to up the volume level or more power? (i´m using gclip in 80% but the tom sound like i said it to slow)
Everything done on a console eq is applicable to mixing in the box only you have a lot more flexibility with ITB eq's. Personally I'll often automate the volume curve of all of my toms when dealing with 100% natural stuff. If the guy is uneven this can help a lot. Transient plugins can also bring out the attack of hits when they're sort of fluffed but it's often beneficial to automate that stuff too so that hard hits aren't overbearing. G-clip is not going to make them sounds better or louder. At best it's buying you room to turn them up more and at worst it's turning your transient into plastic garbage.
Duplicating the tom tracks and strip silencing just the hits is a cool way to make the tom hits twice as loud as the bleed (if you're not already strip silencing). having strong hits from the drummer initially is important, compression can be funny with toms and generally it doesn't need a lot.....

if there are hits that aren't coming through strongly, it could even be worth pasting in stronger ones if its really not happening.
but strip silence it`s for protools right?

something similar in cubase 7?

i will put a sample of the drum track.
in fact,the drummer don´t hit very hard

pd: i cut the tom tracks manually
You can clean your tom tracks in every DAWs. You just have to cut the tracks so you keep the hits and delete the rest (don't cut too short tho). Fades in/out and it's done. If the drummer doesn't hit hard, maybe you have a ton of bleed in your tracks. Replacing or enhancing with samples is the best option.
Duplicate the toms and strip clean them. Shift them early by a few ms and then send those to sidechain inputs of gates on the original toms and then play with release and such to taste. I can fly through it pretty quick since you can be a little more destructive with the "trigger' tracks, but its nice to be able to bypass it all at any point or keep some amount of bleed in.
If you could throw those samples in your Public folder so everyone doesn't have to download them, you may get more help. I have a thing against downloading files if I'm not going to keep them .... OCD, probably.
Sure, but if you have Dropbox installed on your computer (which I highly recommend), you should be able to just drop your files in the Public folder, then right-click the files in that folder and chose "Get Public Dropbox Link" or whatever, bam.