getting toms with good volumen

lol you have to send the trigger toms prefader so you can silence them. You aren't using them for audio in the mix, just as a signal to control the gate on the original toms. And 30ms if that's how far ahead it is, may be too much. I'm usually 5ms or so.
Maybe there is a language barrier. When I said duplicate the toms, and then sidechain them to gates on the original toms - I was referring to using the duplicate set as basically a trigger (since you'll strip clean them). You would want to see the dup'ed tom signal to the sidechain pre-fader, and then turn the trigger tracks down so they are not heard at all but the signal is still getting to the sidechain. That way you can either choose to hard gate, or adjust the amount of bleed if it helps add something to the overall kit image.
ohh man very difficult for me to understand you. i will try , some video or image??

In Logic it'd be somethig like this:

Track 1:
-gate (from the sidechain menu choose track 2)
-output where you want it
+any plugins you need to make them sound good

Track 2:
-output none

That way track 2 would only act as a trigger for the gate on track 1. But you can also achieve the same effect by manually automating the volume on track 1.