"Gettysburg (1863)" Trilogy

That's from a guy whose opinion I trust. It's great to get a real musicians opinion here. I wish you could of done some guest solos on the record. You are one of the best players I have ever seen. Is there anything else on the record you could share with us, best song, or Tim's vocals which are under so much debate here. Thanks and good luck.
Tim's vocals are great on the album. I always liked Matt and I kept wondering how the choruses would sound without him. Iced Earth's choruses have always been one of my favorite parts of the music.

Much to my surprise, the choruses retain the classic Iced Earth feel. I asked Jon this and he said that it's actually his voice that has been the prominent one in the choruses.

I would say that Tim sounds more 'metal'. There is more edge and attack in his voice. But you also have to consider that Jon always wrote the vocal melodies. What this means is that the vocals don't sound radically different then previous Iced Earth.

As much as I liked Matt, I have to say that I prefer Tim.

The Gettysburg trilogy is my favorite part of the album. It's got great pace and flow to it. There is a lot of tension, both musicially and lyrically. It's got more layered melodies then your typical IE epic. There is a mellow section where Jon and Tim trade vocal lines, it's fantastic.

For me, after having heard the samples and the EP the trilogy is the only thing that can save the album, the stuff ive heard so far is too power metally, its just not my thing. But if the trilogy is up to the standard of his previous trilogies, then the album will be worthwhile :)
Spawn, Im not the biggest power mwtal fan either, but to me the song the reckoning is the only one to qualify as power metal on the EP. Give " Valley forge a couple of listens, its now my fav of the EP. It's very straightfoward rockish, witha kick ass solo, very un Iced earth ish.
Ive listened to it icedsymphony, I know some people really like the songs, and thats fine, but I dont really see much at all in this album that ill like.

Maybe once I have the whole album and am able to sit down and listen to it ill like it more, but nothing I have heard so far has impressed me at all.

But like I said, if the trilogy is brilliant, then its worth it, Reign In Blood is only 28 minutes so ill settle for that :)

anonymousnick2001: Why would you wish it was one song? Why make people sit through half an hour of music, its better to break it up into 3 parts when something is that long...