Ghost: I must be in the extreme minority...

See, your post doesn't have any of that in it. I'm afraid you're going to have to try again.

actually, it does. the gimmick line was in reference to my own band. i was making fun of myself and my band, granted an inside joke, but nonetheless still cutting on myself since critics have always said my band was just one big gimmick with no substance.
That would be a good point, if your initial post had referenced your band in any way, and even then stating the point that you've used gimmicks in the past doesn't imply sarcasm.
And I'll be blunt: I really don't care about your band, or what "critics" are saying about it. This thread isn't about you, or your band.

back on topic:

About the band's satanism - Whether they're sincere about it or not, the end result is the same, so why does it matter? It may be the case that they don't take themselves too seriously, and that's great and all, but.. they -can't- be serious, right? And yet, they've given absolutely no indication that they're not *totally* sincere about what they're doing. What's the difference? I think a good part of the appeal is recognizing that; sure, it's cheesy. You'd be crazy to deny that; But why isn't it okay to enjoy cheese? Screw it. I don't care how cheesy or sincere a band is anymore. It's liberating to stop giving a shit about what other people are going to think and just -do- it; be as pretentious as you feel like being, make use of costumes and theatrics because you *want* to do it, and the *why* of the matter is completely insignificant. I think it takes serious balls to be that ostentatious with your presentation.

Of course that's not saying i'm huge into the music. I just like what they're doing. A lot.