message to Ascension

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
(Glenn, feel free to delete this once Ascension has seen it).

Ascension, the use of the words "right in your head" probably weren't fair, and I apologise for that.

But neither were your use of "talented". The musicians in Raintime are very talented musicians, no matter if I am managing them or not - it's a fact that you can't deny. Their musical abilities are top notch, and it has nothing to do with taste.

If you don't like their SONGWRITING then that's a different thing. But saying they are not talented is plain wrong. It pissed me off way beyond belief, and I don't care who it was that slammed them like that - I would still have reacted. You're totally entitled to not like them, and think their songwriting sucks. That's a personal opinion, and I respect that.
