Ghost Of The Sun and Omerta connection?


Jul 15, 2005
Whenever I've listened to the former I've always fallen for the trap (?) that's it's another boy/girl failed relationship song...Today I listened closer and realized it might be between brother/brother and have nothing to do with love at all, but rather the fact that the one has done something he has sworn not to (crime? Seeing as it's a running theme of the album.) It's also the first track.

Omerta is the last track and is noticeably much more subdued and warmer than GoTS yet it has a tragic ending. The brothers seemed to have made peace, yet not before the weight of guilt overcomes the subject and he takes his life, yet he can atleast die happy that he's made amends with the closest person in his life....

I don't think he dies happy at all... I think that he leaves some unfinished business as he was about to get on the right tracks in his life again.
And Inside the city of glass finally sums up the fact that one's death does not move the world in anyways and there'll be always darkness in the world (or city). At least that's what I feel about that one, even though it's just an instrumental.
The trick behind writing a good song is to make it mean something to you, but still make it "unspecific" enough to enable others to create their own enturpetation. I've always thougth that Katatonia did this very good, and that is kind of whats so great about them.

As a result of this greatness I made my own enterputation which is probably not at all what they though of when they wrote their songs.

As far as I see it. GoTS is about a friend.
This friend has fallen in love. AS a result of that, this friend has "betrayed you" (I trusted you, you lied). And since the world is so small, you cant really get away from this person, you pass him on the street regurlary (see two lovers meet, pass you on the street) Of course I can only make enturupations based on my own experiendes, which basicly means this happened to me once. Or twice...

Omertha I see kind of as my relation ship with my brother.
I' going to move really soon, (if I get in to the school that is) to the very north of Sweden. And basicly he doesn't know of this. I've told him once. Don't think he remembers, I think he is too young to realize what It means.
Anyway... If I move away, he doesn't really know that I'm moving (was it because I never told you I was going away).
My brother has had a lot of trouble in his life. Much of this is because of me. Its not like I feel guilty in anyway or blaming my self, becuase its not that I have done anything wrong, its rather the opposite, I've managed my life in a way that moste people would never have done, and the contrast between us becomes really clear. He has the brother whoch he never can live up to, who everybody loves. Anyway, I wouldn't be suprised if he feels that I don't care about him, and honestly, I don't that much. His problems are problems he has been giving himself, I havent done anything to make him who he is, I'm only a mirror who doesn't give anything to hide behind. Anyway...this kind of reflects to the part of "Was it because your fucking dreams ment nothing to me".
VampiricYouth said:
Whenever I've listened to the former I've always fallen for the trap (?) that's it's another boy/girl failed relationship song...Today I listened closer and realized it might be between brother/brother and have nothing to do with love at all, but rather the fact that the one has done something he has sworn not to (crime? Seeing as it's a running theme of the album.) It's also the first track.

Omerta is the last track and is noticeably much more subdued and warmer than GoTS yet it has a tragic ending. The brothers seemed to have made peace, yet not before the weight of guilt overcomes the subject and he takes his life, yet he can atleast die happy that he's made amends with the closest person in his life....


i see omerta more like, a farewell letter...were he is saying goodbye to everybody in a letter directed to his brother...the he commits suicide.
Yeah, he got poisoned. I can see a connection though. Just in Omerta he thinks he is making amends, and that he is going to be forgiven, but nope. Owned by his own drink.
VampiricYouth said:
Whenever I've listened to the former I've always fallen for the trap (?) that's it's another boy/girl failed relationship song...Today I listened closer and realized it might be between brother/brother and have nothing to do with love at all, but rather the fact that the one has done something he has sworn not to (crime? Seeing as it's a running theme of the album.) It's also the first track.

Omerta is the last track and is noticeably much more subdued and warmer than GoTS yet it has a tragic ending. The brothers seemed to have made peace, yet not before the weight of guilt overcomes the subject and he takes his life, yet he can atleast die happy that he's made amends with the closest person in his life....

Comments. These songs can be probably about everything you want them to be... Everything you find close to you at the moment. That's why VE is neverdying album for me, I'm never tired of listening to it. Of course the lyrics is more abstract, but that also makes a sense. Just because you can make your own story. Jonas sure wrote about something only he knew, but I think he won't be booing on us if we interpretate it in a different way...

I personally see rather clear concept in VE, though both Jonas and Anders denied it to be there. Crime theme is there all the way through... I personally think "Will I Arrive" can be about the guy waiting to be taken to a prison/ being in a prison though I read somewhere it was about some religion stuff. And maybe if we take a closer look to every song we could find it fit perfectly in a common concept.

GOTS at the first sight is a pretty ordinary story and everyone who came through a break with a partner can obviously remember himself saying "I trusted you, you lied",etc. But at the closer look I can agree with you and with IFK Gothenburg as well.

The story behind Omerta is pretty clear, I guess, but I don't think the person mentioned in this song was his brother. He's probably not even a real friend, just a buddy who knows his closest friends. But he was pretty familiar to him as a nice guy so he didn't expect he could harm him. And he trusted him again and was killed eventually. I can be mistaken though...

Oh my God, I wrote too much. Stop now:)
I just listened to it over and over to make sure what I think is what I think...damn this song is beautiful!

Anyways, I think what most people say about the meaning be ambigious and specific to the listener is probably right.

However, my opinion is the song is about his own struggle and is literally a discussion between who he is (and does not want to be) and the man he wants to be.

Ultimately, he realises that this is not possible to change to the person he wants to be and he is destined to be the person he does not want to be forever. Then he commits suicide.
i always though ghost of the sun was a love song but i dont know maybe im wrong
and well personally omerta is my fav. song from VE. i think its about how sometimes a person is so fed up with life that just decides to run away from the situation, leaving everything behind. And then all those problems and people he/she left behind kinda catch up. I find it really melancholic, specially the part "rember i used to sing" . I dont know like the tone is merry in a melacholic way. And yeah i think he either gets poisoned or extremely drunk until he passess out.
but thats just my theory ^^