Okay friends... I am going to tell you my opinion about the concept.
As I have said, the songs are not dependent of the concept, every song has it own story, so their is something that is irrelevant.
Before reading this, read the lyrics... you have to know what I'm talking about.
Note that I'm only describing the songs how they fit into the concept.
Excuse my english by the way, not feeling quite well...
Ghost of the Sun
Well, danus did it quite well, and it's very abstract so it could probably be put into the concept in any way
The actual beginning of the misery. The person(could be girl/boy-friend, mother/father, let's assume it's a "she", girlfriend) he loves gets badly wounded. She's in like a coma, and he's by her side:
"O my your fever's high
I lay my hands upon you"
etc. (won't do all the quotations)
She's dying... I'm not sure if she dies in this song, or later. But:
"The Bird is here, I can see the edge of his wing". When someone dies, it is said that a bird will appear by the window, to make it beautiful or "holy".
"If you die now"
In this song, we get to know that someone did this, and it's not a disease. The situation is described a bit, and the dilemma is that he must be ably to protect her, but it's impossible.
"He came back to our house" you know what I'm talking about... It's a Criminal.
A Premonition
Yes, she has died now however. He's starting to get insane...
Some more about the case:
"The one who did this to us, well he got away" It means the one who separated them, the criminal, got away..
"Okay friends... I am going to tell you my opinion about the concept.
As I have said, the songs are not dependent of the concept, every song has it own story, so their is something that is irrelevant.
Before reading this, read the lyrics... you have to know what I'm talking about.
Will I Arrive
Well, he's pretty upset now... and the conclusion is like "look what they have done to me. I will never be the same"
Burn The Remembrance
He's pretty cool here... In their appartment, looking at memories, pictures from them and their relationship, and the song is pretty much what will replace them etc.
"I remember one time when we were abroad
I was laughing at a book I had bought
But you were standing against the hotel wall"
It's staring to get really sad. He's also staring to think about suicide here...
"Is this the right time to set one free and go away"
Getting deeper into suicidal thoughts by now, but he doesn't dare to... yet.
"Will you be here when I try
I'm not set cannot do it yet"
He's speaking to her.
"Hold me when I die"
One Year From Now
You know, when something terrible has happened, or feeling really depressed, you could either think suicidal thoughts, but you could also think about the future, hoping of better times. This is what this song is about in the concept.
"One year from now will I be strong
Will I stand up for what I've become"
Walking By A Wire
Pretty wierd lyric, especially into the concept. Very hard to explain, read it and you'll know what I mean, it feels however into the consept.
This song is about the circuit, the life, he wants to end the curcuit. It's definetly into the concept, but it's hard to see... "They control the circle" He could mean some kind of god.
"I dare not break the circuit
I rest only for a short time
This time I promise I won't give up"
These two lasts songs are hard to explain into the concept. Excuse me, but I guess you'll understand if you read the lyrics.
Back to the concept for sure. To make a long story short; this is the part where he commits suicide. He only show us some abstract things like:
"I hold my breath and check the time
One minute no collapse
If you only knew what I would do for you"
It's suicidal methods however.
"If you die I will die too
Once we were heroes
But everything has changed since then"
She's dead, he's got to die. And so he does.
"I stay too long something's wrong
You walk out of the picture
I hold my breath and check the time
One thirty i collapse"
And there he goes, he passes the test!
"I'm the evidence
You passed the test and that's so good for you"
And here he is, in the city of glass, for us known as something like "heaven". He's dead. The only happy song on the album, and that's no coincidence, he's dead, he meets some friends, and I guess he meets, his love.
"Come by you have come far
All I had I lost in the flood
Come sit with me at the bar
Tell me of progress strengthen my blood"
"Why have you waited so long"
Inside The City Of Glass
Inside "heaven". It's instrumental, but still you can get an opinion... it's like a song of eternity, eternal death. He's dead, she's dead, forever...
The End
Please don't whine too much about things I've missed etc. Allways in these concepts and deep lyrics, there are things you cannot understand and explain... And I'm really not the best man explaining abstract things in English.
However, I hope you understand my opinion, I hope you will listen to the record with this opinion, and you will feel more sad listening to it.
It's a sad concept, and, please try to understand instead of whining, there are many coincidences, if my concepts is all bullshit, isn't there? Agree me on that one at least.
Thank you for reading. And now.. I've shared my deep opinions and reactions, it's pretty sensitive, so again, please rather understand then whine
As I have said, the songs are not dependent of the concept, every song has it own story, so their is something that is irrelevant.
Before reading this, read the lyrics... you have to know what I'm talking about.
Note that I'm only describing the songs how they fit into the concept.
Excuse my english by the way, not feeling quite well...
Ghost of the Sun
Well, danus did it quite well, and it's very abstract so it could probably be put into the concept in any way

The actual beginning of the misery. The person(could be girl/boy-friend, mother/father, let's assume it's a "she", girlfriend) he loves gets badly wounded. She's in like a coma, and he's by her side:
"O my your fever's high
I lay my hands upon you"
etc. (won't do all the quotations)
She's dying... I'm not sure if she dies in this song, or later. But:
"The Bird is here, I can see the edge of his wing". When someone dies, it is said that a bird will appear by the window, to make it beautiful or "holy".
"If you die now"
In this song, we get to know that someone did this, and it's not a disease. The situation is described a bit, and the dilemma is that he must be ably to protect her, but it's impossible.
"He came back to our house" you know what I'm talking about... It's a Criminal.
A Premonition
Yes, she has died now however. He's starting to get insane...
Some more about the case:
"The one who did this to us, well he got away" It means the one who separated them, the criminal, got away..
"Okay friends... I am going to tell you my opinion about the concept.
As I have said, the songs are not dependent of the concept, every song has it own story, so their is something that is irrelevant.
Before reading this, read the lyrics... you have to know what I'm talking about.
Will I Arrive
Well, he's pretty upset now... and the conclusion is like "look what they have done to me. I will never be the same"
Burn The Remembrance
He's pretty cool here... In their appartment, looking at memories, pictures from them and their relationship, and the song is pretty much what will replace them etc.
"I remember one time when we were abroad
I was laughing at a book I had bought
But you were standing against the hotel wall"
It's staring to get really sad. He's also staring to think about suicide here...
"Is this the right time to set one free and go away"
Getting deeper into suicidal thoughts by now, but he doesn't dare to... yet.
"Will you be here when I try
I'm not set cannot do it yet"
He's speaking to her.
"Hold me when I die"
One Year From Now
You know, when something terrible has happened, or feeling really depressed, you could either think suicidal thoughts, but you could also think about the future, hoping of better times. This is what this song is about in the concept.
"One year from now will I be strong
Will I stand up for what I've become"
Walking By A Wire
Pretty wierd lyric, especially into the concept. Very hard to explain, read it and you'll know what I mean, it feels however into the consept.
This song is about the circuit, the life, he wants to end the curcuit. It's definetly into the concept, but it's hard to see... "They control the circle" He could mean some kind of god.
"I dare not break the circuit
I rest only for a short time
This time I promise I won't give up"
These two lasts songs are hard to explain into the concept. Excuse me, but I guess you'll understand if you read the lyrics.
Back to the concept for sure. To make a long story short; this is the part where he commits suicide. He only show us some abstract things like:
"I hold my breath and check the time
One minute no collapse
If you only knew what I would do for you"
It's suicidal methods however.
"If you die I will die too
Once we were heroes
But everything has changed since then"
She's dead, he's got to die. And so he does.
"I stay too long something's wrong
You walk out of the picture
I hold my breath and check the time
One thirty i collapse"
And there he goes, he passes the test!
"I'm the evidence
You passed the test and that's so good for you"
And here he is, in the city of glass, for us known as something like "heaven". He's dead. The only happy song on the album, and that's no coincidence, he's dead, he meets some friends, and I guess he meets, his love.
"Come by you have come far
All I had I lost in the flood
Come sit with me at the bar
Tell me of progress strengthen my blood"
"Why have you waited so long"
Inside The City Of Glass
Inside "heaven". It's instrumental, but still you can get an opinion... it's like a song of eternity, eternal death. He's dead, she's dead, forever...
The End
Please don't whine too much about things I've missed etc. Allways in these concepts and deep lyrics, there are things you cannot understand and explain... And I'm really not the best man explaining abstract things in English.
However, I hope you understand my opinion, I hope you will listen to the record with this opinion, and you will feel more sad listening to it.
It's a sad concept, and, please try to understand instead of whining, there are many coincidences, if my concepts is all bullshit, isn't there? Agree me on that one at least.
Thank you for reading. And now.. I've shared my deep opinions and reactions, it's pretty sensitive, so again, please rather understand then whine