Ghost Reveries limited edition release?


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2005
First post here on the Opeth-forum... why did it take me so long? :u-huh:

Anyway, I read on the bands offiicial homepage that there will be release a limited edition of their latest outcome, "Ghost Reveries". I also think I read that it will be a so called hardback edition (perhaps like the limited edition of "Deadwing"? :rock: ), I am not sure on this though. Can anyone give me some guidance - perhaps a release date and some further information what this edition will be containing?!

Playing on my stereo this moment: "Flash Before My Eyes" by Spocks Beard - not metal but simply wonderful!!! :)
The information on the homepage is as far as I know the only information available. I'm also very curious what it will be, and I really hope there won't be any extra songs on it ... I hate it when bands to stuff like that. It's not like everyone can afford to buy the same albums twice (it's hard enough keeping up with new and old releases as it is). Damn, I will buy it anyway, but Opeth is the only band from wich I would buy the same album again in special edition ... it's not like I could have waited to buy it ...
As for a date, who know, Xmass is approaching, and I guess that Roadrunner is in charge of things like releasedates, so it would be a good period then commercially speaking.