Ghost Reveries material


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2005
My friend and I keep talking about Opeth and how good the album is, but my friend keeps bring up the idea that because they sign to Roadrunner that their music is going to be more "mainstream". Personally, I don't think it will ever get mainstram because for one, they have 10 minute long songs, two, they music that pleases themselves, and three, this album was already ready to be record before they sign any record deal I believe. Am I right about that how they wrote all the music before signing to Roadrunner?
ebrewski0075, well there's been a lot of talk about that here in the past month... but yeah, you're right and it's good that there are some reasonable people here ;) I'm just waiting for someone to come here and cry: SELL OUTS!!! ;)
I'd love to hear any Opeth song break into the mainstream. The guys are hard working musicians and It'd be nice for them not to ever need to worry about money and non-sense like that again.
Who cares if they become mainstream, they are quality musicians. Thats the important thing.

Thats my point, if your a good musician and you make it mainstream, then who cares? you got popular the right way, and that is by making very good music as Opeth does.
