Legitimate Ghost Reveries Review

Check out the new album "The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw". It's more post-rock-ish, in the style of Godspeed You! Black Emperor or Explosions in the Sky. That is of course, if you're into that kinda thing.
more than one month later
IT"S FINALLY OK to talk about GHOST REVERIES without the fear of the forum being closed again.
and like most of you I am a sinner.been listening to the leaked shit this whole time and after digesting and memorizing it I must say it's amazing. Just emphasized on the thing I love most about Opeth, their progness.Or as Dan Swano said:"Too many notes"

Did anyone else notice the Beat on Atonement is totally ripped off from The Beatles' Tomorow never knows(last song on Revolver)?
GR is on sale everywhere now, and I'll wait until it's $5 in a bargain bin.

For what Opeth are capable of, the album is below standard as a metal record by a band of such musical talent. As a Prog record though? Great.