Ghost Ship


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002
... is a terrible movie.

The opening scene was quite hilarious, in all its gory-ness. After that the movie kept getting stupider and stupider. There also seemed to be an undercurrent of themes and happenings that were blatantly ripped right from The Shining and just tossed onto a boat. Then suddenly the movie took a turn for the worse and added more plot near the end which just made no sense.

Ghost Ship also featured plenty of music (or it could have been 1 song on numerous occasions) from the new Mudvayne album, which made me realize how much I don't like the new Mudvayne (although I did like their previous album ... :rolleyes: )

Even though I thought the Ring wasn't that great of a movie, it provided me with plenty that was worth discussing about it, where as I hope I don't have to think about Ghost Ship again.

And I can't believe I had to pay close to $9 for a movie ticket! :eek:

Thats my review.

In summary:

Dont go see Ghost Ship!!!!
The opening scene of Ghost Ship is potentially the goriest scene ever, unless I'm forgetting something gorier. So I suggest sneaking in for that but not staying for the rest of the movie :lol:
I have a feeling I'd hate just about everything else playing in the theaters right now ... so choose anything and you will have yourself a good movie!! :lol:
OH! I just remembered the best part of last night's movie going experience!

I saw a trailer for House of 1000 Corpses! The Rob Zombie movie!

I was sure that movie was never going to be released.

I'm so excited.
The opening scene that Chromatose mentions was ripped right off from the Resident Evil movie.......but I still liked that part! ;)
Yes all the Hellraiser movies are gory , the ''Ghost-Ship'' movie cant beat it. Mainly b/c of the new world today the damn hippy's will protest about movie gore or some bullshit like that.
Originally posted by Poison God
You deserve to get ripped off ($9) if you were dumb enough to see that movie.

:lol: :lol:

me and some friends really wanted to waste our time on a movie that evening, and the good place in town had closed at 7:30pm for some reason, so we drove 45 minutes to the good theater in Gaithersburg. When we got there the only thing playing soon was ghost ship... :(

So i knew what i was getting into, I just didnt think it would be that bad.
Originally posted by a guy...
How about $6 to see Ghost Ship?;)

That is still a rip off......$3.75 is fair imo. I once saw Half Baked, Vampires, and Beverly Hills Ninja for $3.75.......I didn't feel ripped off although most if not all of those flicks SUCKED