Giant Squid/Grayceon Split 7"

I love Grayceon, but do not care for Giant Squid. The new song Grayceon put up on their page is pretty good after a few listens.
While it's a good debut, it has got it's downfalls. Some sections of the songs just fall flat on their face while others jump out and kick you in yours.

Pretty solid album though, can only get better

Their track "The West" is god damn great though
I see Gayceon is at that place where you can buy the new Agalloch. I have it queued, and if it's good I'll buy it!
I thought it was pretty good actually, a little weird though. I figured it'd make more sense after a few spins, so I bought it.

Is Giant Squid anything like that? I never listened to them because my room mates liked them, and he's a fag.