Gig in Melbourne on Friday night


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Melbourne people, there's a gig at the Espy tomorrow (Friday) night, which I think costs $10. On the lineup are:

Omnium Gathering (Adelaide)
Psycroptic (Tas)

I should be there, so if you see a 24yo guy with long blonde hair and an Iron Maiden (or perhaps Opeth) shirt, introduce yourself. :)
I'll see you there, look out for a short ass chic with black hair and black clothes. That should make it easy for you to spot me!!!

btw, doors open at 8:00pm. Alarum are up first.
ill be there
now what to wear...
alarum shirt or psycroptic....
i think cephalic carnage
haha get a fake id fuckin
haha tomorrow is gonna be one of the best gigs weve had in ages here
Well, you're all there now listening to some very loud music. If only I'd heard earlier I'd be there too and you'd all be able to tremble in my presence.

Next time maybe!
no way
that was me!
as long as u werent that drunk fuck that got into a fight during psycro
my god stupid fuck
haha he came up to me and is like, what u playing tonite, and im like what? the cunt thought i was chalky from psycroptic :lol:
:lol: What a knob! He must have had quite a few, that fella. Was falling about all over the place.

Nice to meet you, Clarky and thehellishone! It was a fucking top gig. I love metal shows.
Winmar said:
:lol: What a knob! He must have had quite a few, that fella. Was falling about all over the place.

Nice to meet you, Clarky and thehellishone! It was a fucking top gig. I love metal shows.

haha that guy was rooted
man what a show psycroptic slayed all man
aha im still laughing at the guy the same drunk guy, thinking i was chalky from psycroptic BAHAHA
haha i know aye
man the new psycroptic material slays live
and i got my hands on a copy of the new album *shhhhhhhhhhh* :D
1 month
yeah kinda, not as much as psycroptic, although we sung happy birthday to terry's bro who turned 18 last nite
I always love seeing Earth. They're fucking perfect for head-nodding and stuff. They never fail to please.

Psycroptic.....well their drummer has the fastest feet I've seen/heard in quite some time! Tight as fuck, and young as fuck as well, that band!

Alarum are always great to see as well. Damn fast, but not just fast for the hell of of....technical as well. Also, the Death cover at the end just makes me wanna go listen to Death again.

Just got back from a night out at the pub with a few mates. Pissed as fuck, gotta get to bed. Spelling is a prick at times like this!
Crap, I knew I'd be pissed off that I missed Alarum. Damn sitting at home watching Hypocrisy DVD's and drinking beer shenanegans.
That was a great gig, nice to meet you too Winmar. Which one in the black shirt with long hair were you Clarky?? LOL
Damn glad I got there in time to see Omnium Gatherum, they were great. I think it was the vocalists trackies and barefeet that made 'em sound so good!
Earth were great as always, cos Sean is playing keyboards now (gotta say that or he'll kick me).
Psycroptic blew me away, they have gotten so much tighter and the sound was awesome. Fucking brutal, can't wait for the new album :headbang:.
All in all it was a great gig, cept for that fuckwit who wouldn't stop banging into me. I was so close to smacking him in the head, but someone else did it for me. Cheers to whoever that was.
yeh shes preggo man...

hellis: i was standing with winmar when u first came up to him, was wearing a hoodie for a bit, then i took it off was wearing a Cephalic Carnage tshirt, when the drunk guy was causing shit i was the guy who kept turning around and laughin at him
Yeh i was at the fri gig...
All the bands were fantastic...i cant wait for the new psycroptic album its going to be serious ear bleeding shit :headbang:

Yeh the drunk fuck was a tool...was quite funny seeing him being choked by that chic...haha

I also went to the Adeliade gig...METALSURGE 3....that was fucking great too....any other fuckers go to the Adeliade gig???.......
Clarky said:
hellis: i was standing with winmar when u first came up to him, was wearing a hoodie for a bit, then i took it off was wearing a Cephalic Carnage tshirt

Why didn't you say anything Clarky? You rude bastard! LoL.

btw ALaRum, the chic choking that guy was me. If there's one thing I fucking hate it's assholes bouncing around when you're trying to watch a band. If you wanna do that fuck off to a Frankenbok gig.
Being a short ass I have to stand near the front to see so I'm used to being bumped into and shit, but when that guy nearly knocked me over for about the 10th time and spilt my beer all over me, well.... I wasn't a happy camper. I've waited for nearly a year to see Psycroptic again and I wasn't gonna let that prick ruin it for me.

And on a lighter note, yeah, Sean is just playing keys for Earth while Rachel has her bubba. I think she is planning on coming back but I'm not sure.
thehellishone said:
Why didn't you say anything Clarky? You rude bastard! LoL.

btw ALaRum, the chic choking that guy was me. If there's one thing I fucking hate it's assholes bouncing around when you're trying to watch a band. If you wanna do that fuck off to a Frankenbok gig.
Being a short ass I have to stand near the front to see so I'm used to being bumped into and shit, but when that guy nearly knocked me over for about the 10th time and spilt my beer all over me, well.... I wasn't a happy camper. I've waited for nearly a year to see Psycroptic again and I wasn't gonna let that prick ruin it for me.

And on a lighter note, yeah, Sean is just playing keys for Earth while Rachel has her bubba. I think she is planning on coming back but I'm not sure.

haha i dunno i guess i didnt want to ruin the touching internet meeting moment :lol:

and i think sean is going on the tour of the UK with earth