Gigantour 9/11

Sep 16, 2005
Got to see the last date of the tour....and I must say that ANTHRAX totally stole the show!!! "Mega-Dave" did happen to talk more than I have ever heard him talk at a show, and yes, Nevermore kicked some tail..but ANTHRAX were the ones that got the place rollin..(as much as u can at a show with NO MOSH PIT!!!! :OMG:) Killer show for 25 bucks.
Hmmmm..ANTHRAX with the original line up..or opening day of NFL...I'm happy with my choice...and thanks to TIVo...well enough said. Rock on, and congrats to all Lions fans.
Anthrax owned Vancouver too....they were the best act at that show IMO....megadeth was awsome too but...anthrax kicked ass....cant wait to se them again.....i wish i could see them on the priest tour...but cant make the show....hopefully they they do a headlining tour be TOTALLY honest...I was really wondering about how Joey's voice would sound. Last night of the tour, etc. etc. And he FUCKING KICKED ASS. In fact, he sounded so good that if you only saw him, and Scott together between the peoples heads in front of you, it was a flash back to the eighties shows...ahaha. They still got it going on in my humble opinion.
sufferer said:
My Lions kicked ass, 1st place for at least another least...

Yeah, but you're playing my Bears... so I think you're safe for another week. We really looked pathetic against Washington - we couldn't stop the third down attacks, and our offense couldn't find the end zone even with a GPS and a police escort.

[EDIT] Uh, yeah... guess I should forget about a future in financial planning, eh?

Big surprise... dead fucking last in the office pool this week...
anthrax was kick ass. :rock: :rock: glad they played songs i grew up with.. :grin: but wish they could have played some current thrax shit :erk: :erk: the place for the pit is the roseland theatre :hotjump: :hotjump: in portland :kickass: :kickass: so come on back thrax :worship: :( back in the day tour 2006)..anthrax, slayer,,exodus,testement,????? suggestions????
I wish Anthrax palyed the Gigantour show I went to. I really was disappointed with Dream Theater. I didn't like them at all... Megadeth kicked ass as always but it sure did feel weird not being in a pit....