Gigantour pics!

It's just a little point and shoot camera. I just turn it on and push the button. I'm a hack.
AnvilSnake said:
Sounds like my Camera :P

I'm dead serious. I don't know anything about composition, filters, overexposure, or any of those other big photography words. I push the round button and that's all. Anyone can do it.
Awsome pictures!!!
They wouldnt let us take pictures at the gigantour in Vancouver, they were huge camera nazis, I saw like 3 people get cameras taken away.
But they were filming for the gigantour DVD, so I figure maybe thats why they were so tough about it...?
damnit NinjaKitten, how come you didn't tell me you were going to the Vancouver one? I would have made an effort to go and meet with ya.
Neonblackdreamer said:
Great Pix!
is it only me or Warrel looks like Peter Tatgren?
Peter's much better looking brother MAYBE....but still that's weird that you think he looks like him