Gigantour Second Stage Bands

SavaRon said:
How do you know he failed? :bah: Have you heard anything by this band? I haven't heard of them, but i will give them a fair shake. I'll reserve judgement for later.

Well, I could probably give them a listen, but right now I can't think of a time when I've thought something would be generic nu-metal/hardcore/metalcore and I was wrong upon listening to them. I guess it could always be different this time, but I doubt it.
Dude, you need to let the PoS thing go...seriously. It seems the only way you'll be satisfied is if PoS is on Gigantour and doesn't appear that will happen. Megadeth, Dream Theater, Nevermore, S:X...that is a pretty fuckin' sweet line-up with just those bands right there. You can't have everything you want and it seems Mustaine is trying to include a little something for everyone, which is fine by me.
SavaRon said:
How do you know he failed? :bah: Have you heard anything by this band? I haven't heard of them, but i will give them a fair shake. I'll reserve judgement for later.
being the ecclectic music lover that i am, that actually sounds half decent. we'll have to see though.
TheWhisper said:
Dude, you need to let the PoS thing go...seriously. It seems the only way you'll be satisfied is if PoS is on Gigantour and doesn't appear that will happen. Megadeth, Dream Theater, Nevermore, S:X...that is a pretty fuckin' sweet line-up with just those bands right there. You can't have everything you want and it seems Mustaine is trying to include a little something for everyone, which is fine by me.

I was just being sarcastic about the thing with the band maybe being good. I don't think Pain Of Salvation will be there. I've just almost given up on checking out bands that seem so predictable, an example being the sets of bands touring with Cryptopsy and SYL recently. I'll probably go to Gigantour, as I want to see Symphony X and the mainstage bands seem to range from good to great.

Silent Song said:
being the ecclectic music lover that i am, that actually sounds half decent. we'll have to see though.

Parts of the clips actually sound kind of interesting, the last two clips on their site. They have an epic sounding part in the third clip. The only thing that really sounds different from most other bands is the use of the melodic intervals of the chords in parts instead of just the chug-chug power chords. Sounds like one of the nu-metal bands that adds a couple of interesting elements, but still doesn't make the music worth much more than a listen or two.
According to Blabbermouth, it appears MUSHROOMHEAD and LIFE OF AGONY are likely to be on the 2nd stage. Honestly, both those bands suck; however I see this as a good thing.

Let me explain:
These bands will bring in more hardcore/nu-metal trash- 11-15 yr old "goth" garbage pieces of crap that deserve ass kickings. With Symphony X headlining Stage 2, the shitty bands will only MAGNIFY their performance, and make them that much better. This will also give more people oppertunity to hear SX, and have these kids wet themselves from ther sheer brilliance and ownage of SX. After SX kicks their ass for 45 mins, they sit down, go see Nevermore tear them new bum holes, and then hear Dream Theater who would be good if they had a male vocalist, and the classic Megadeth to cap off the night.

Im all for shitty bands opening for SX, sure it'll mean more crap to put up with waiting for SX, but seriously, it'll be THAT Much more worth it when they hit the stage.
Meh, I don't really think about the exposure, just my own personal musical enjoyment. I'm going to hold on comment on anything until it's officially announced.
Well I dont know about the rest of the board, but I love LOA. LOA totally fucking rocked in concert when I saw them last Feburary in Nebraska, absolutely outstanding. Also I have never met a bunch of nicer guys. They talked to me before and after the concert.
urinalcakemix said:
With Symphony X headlining Stage 2...
I don't think S:X will be headlining the second stage. If the last bands in contention are Mushroomhead and LOA, then one of them will headline the second stage,imo. I would much prefer LOA over Mushroomhead. Here's how I'm thinking the second stage will work...

Symphony X
Dry Kill Logic
??? - mabye local bands if he chooses that route

...but I could be wrong.
TheWhisper said:
I don't think S:X will be headlining the second stage. If the last bands in contention are Mushroomhead and LOA, then one of them will headline the second stage,imo. I would much prefer LOA over Mushroomhead. Here's how I'm thinking the second stage will work...

Symphony X
Dry Kill Logic
??? - mabye local bands if he chooses that route

...but I could be wrong.

No no, their CONFIRMED headlining the second stage. 45 minute set, look over on the SX board if you dont believe me
urinalcakemix said:
No no, their CONFIRMED headlining the second stage. 45 minute set, look over on the SX board if you dont believe me
I just hadn't seen anything about it at the gigantour forums, or hadn't seen anything from Mustaine saying that. I would be very, very happy about this, seeing that the second stage headliner is going to get about 40 min., as has been rumored, and all but confirmed on the forum.
That would be nice, but Mustaine said in his post today about LOA that if it is not posted on the Megadeth or Gigantour Site it is not official. Though I pray that Symphony X is headlining, for those of you that get to see the concert because it is not coming close enough for me to make the journey.
Dave said:

This tour is not about ten of the same types of bands. The rumblings of some friends here and over at the Gigantour forums about the second stage not having all speed or thrash metal is understood, but if you want that, go to the Metalfest in Milwaukee.

Gigantour is a festival, which when broken down means it is supposed to be festive! The bands that I have chosen are kewl people, and if you open your minds, you may just discover something new that you'll dig! There is something for everybody here, and then some!!!

" . . . its a positive and encouraging festival based on musicianship and not on current trends." - Mustaine 2005



I could've lived with...


Sorry. Anyway, I could have lived with him picking crappy bands, but now he has to say he's not, and not following current trends? He says they're great, and if we open our minds, we'll find something good. This doesn't make me feel good. Dave Mustaine's shenanigans recently have not made me very happy with him, not that I was really a fan of him anyway. Just pick the commercial bands and shut up about it, if that's what you're doing.

Edit: And on a side note, I think Dave is turning into a AOL girlie......first it's the "Y'alls," and now he's saying "kewl."

[/End pissed off rant]
Based on Mike Portnoy's recommendation.....he's obviously not big into anything too innovative. I don't know why I expected more from a washed up thrash band guy. I guess I should be happy it's not Kerry King doing the festival or something.