Gimme A Break!!!

if i was glenn, and thank god i am not, cos i couldnt handle this, i would tell all the crybabies to start their own festival and do me a favor and not show up at this one...
i have read every whiny post here, and i cant help thinking how so many dont realize that this isnt their own personal concert, put on by one of their friends for their own personal enjoyment.
is it about the money?..duh!!!...there is just so much $$ that is derived from this that has to be allotted for bands, (including airfare, hotel and food) venue, sound, and yes, profit (did you think glenn was your host?)...some bands cost more and compensating for that, you bring in some that cost! economics 101....
think about the big picture for a about if the only person who has shown he can put together a well-organized festival for this underground scene decides all this carping isnt worth the effort?...anyone been to powermad?...nuff said...keith menser tried, but just couldnt pull such a thing off well...
i have to laugh at the people who dont think he got "big enough bands" this genre, who the hell are big bands?...metallica? iron maiden? judas priest?...other than names like that, 9/10 of the population has never heard of any of the stuff we listen it is all a matter of degrees...i think Rage is plenty big, even if i wasnt a fan...
i personally am not a blind guardian person at all, but i realized that within this scene, they were huge....
so, if you dont like the lineup, you can always not go....
OR you can go to maybe find out you like a band you didnt know about, for the party, for the people, or for the fact that if everyone felt the same way you did, there would be no subsequent festivals, and then you could bitch about that instead.
Amen Teri!

I agree 100%, mad props need to go out to Glenn.

And how about a show of character to him for giving Vanden Plas another chance? That is fuckin awesome IMO.
I have already started my homework project of researching the 7 bands I am not really familiar with which already shows what Glenn does is a success. He has indirectly got me into some other bands I might not have found out about.
As always, Teri is the voice of reason...must be her advanced age that makes her so wise!

I knew there would be bitching, because the lineups people were throwing out as what they were "expecting" were just not going to happen because of finances, and the fact that 10 bands that could "headline" a show in Europe were not going to play shorter sets way would some egos be able to handle that!

I think that this is the best lineup ever. And there's one band on the bill that I cannot stand (Nightwish). But no lineup is ever going to please everyone, and I think that if you're willing to give some band a chance that you've never heard before, you might come away surprised. Who knew what Evergrey was like before they took the stage at Powermad 99 and knocked us all on our asses? then as we got up, Mayadome took the stage and was even BETTER! That was quite the night of music...

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this. I'd pay $90 just to see Rage and Vanden Plas, two bands I never would likely have the chance to see outside of a Glenn show. Oh, and the name "ProgPower" makes me think that the show is a combination of prog and power metal music. Not Helloween and nine other bands that sound the same...or Dream Theater and nine other bands that sound the same...but that's just my dopey opinion...
