Girlie shirt


New Metal Member
Dec 16, 2005
Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone knows anywhere that still sells a Children of Bodom girlie shirt with 'Children of Bodom' written on it, not the COBHC ones (there's a pic if you follow the link).

I've tried the usual places (official site, nuclearblast, JSR Direct, moremusic, etc...) but no luck. I wanted to get my girlfriend one coz she's really getting into Bodom and likes this shirt...

I don't remember seeing this shirt on a sellersite.. It's has been 3 years now, and this shirt hasn't been the most sold I think. The HCDR shirts that remains in shops are the shirts which got the Reaper cover in front of it and the chorus lyrics of HCDR (song) on the back.

I can't help you... but good luck ;)
PS:you can try ebay...
Thanks for the quick reply!
The thing is I remember seeing this shirt on nuclearblast a few months ago but it's disappeared now and i can't find it anywhere! I have tried ebay but, as usual, it's just all knockoff fake shit.:yuk:
Ah well, the quest continues!
Yeah, but the Nightwish shop only has crappy CoB tshirts.

Call me weird, but I usually like girlie shirts. They usually have a nice size and don't have any of the fucking huge and ridiculous images in the front/back. They're also stretchy, not the stiff crap regular tshirts are usually made of.
Kind of like these:





I have a couple of girlie shirts and no one even notices they're girlies.

/* EDIT*/

Perhaps it would be a good idea to add that I'm a short and slim guy.
Noble Viking said:
Your mom = not cool :Spin:
Mom´s kindding = fucking retarded and weak
If you don´t agree with my statement, throw some reason, mr. Viking ;)

People who dress themself in band clothes have not taste in dressing, they wear same clothes over and over, just change an image on...OMG how it is straight?
I am pretty sure that I will become un-popular for this statement, cause majority of people here dress this was.
Fredy_Brown said:
People who dress themself in band clothes have not taste in dressing, they wear same clothes over and over, just change an image on...OMG how it is straight?
I am pretty sure that I will become un-popular for this statement, cause majority of people here dress this was.
No you won't. I hate regular band shirts because of that. They're also ugly as hell most of the time -- damn huge images -- blerght. That's why I usually like larger sizes on girlie shirts, they're a lot classier and can be used tastefully.
im not a big fan of most band clothing, most of the time i'm more likely to wear a plain black t-shirt or something, there are a few exceptions though. i quite like the COBHC t-shirts (even though i dont own one) because it's not too overblown. the hcdr one's not too bad either, but thats mostly just because of the lyrics on the back.

*waits to be flamed for being a fanboy*
weird. i like bandshirts and especially manly shirts with huge images (i'm a girl) but usually i cut at least the neckline to make it little bit more rrrok :)
i dont own band shirts jeje..only band clothing i have is Warmen Beanie..that black shirt with pink letters is really nice though
Fredy_Brown said:
People who dress themself in band clothes have not taste in dressing, they wear same clothes over and over, just change an image on...OMG how it is straight?
I am pretty sure that I will become un-popular for this statement, cause majority of people here dress this was.

Well, that's a bit of a generalisation, isn't it? I wear a LOT of band shirts (not all at the same time! :loco: ) and certainly don't think that I have no dress sense. I wear band shirts because:
1) I find tshirts comfortable,
2) I like the shirt (otherwise I wouldn't buy it),
3) I like the band and want to show my support.
I don't look bad in these shirts, nor do I wear them as a purely image-related thing. In fact, if it wasn't for my band shirts I probably wouldn't have met my girlfriend (she obviously didn't think I had no taste in dressing...)

As for wearing the same clothes over and over...well, don't you? Surely you don't buy a different shirt to wear every day?
Or did you mean that we are, in your opinion, the great unwashed legion who wear the exact same shirt day in, day out, for weeks and weeks without changing it...? Again, myself and most of the people I know who wear band shirts regularly (so that's about 3 people then...), only wear their shirts for maybe 2 days before changing it (and then, only if it doesn't smell).
The third way of viewing this statement is that you are mocking people who only wear tshirts everyday. Again, a bullshit statement. Not only are there different types of band shirts (tshirt, longsleeve, workshirt, hoodies etc) but we are quite capable of wearing other clothes if we want to.

When all is said and done maybe we just dress the way we want to because that is what we feel comfortable in...

No, I don't hate you but maybe you shouldn't make such stupid comments. After all, no one's forcing YOU to wear them. Stop being so fucking judgmental
Fredy_Brown said:
People who dress themself in band clothes have not taste in dressing, they wear same clothes over and over, just change an image on...OMG how it is straight?
I am pretty sure that I will become un-popular for this statement, cause majority of people here dress this was.

Well, that's a bit of a generalisation, isn't it? I wear a LOT of band shirts (not all at the same time! :loco: ) and certainly don't think that I have no dress sense. I wear band shirts because:
1) I find tshirts comfortable,
2) I like the shirt (otherwise I wouldn't buy it),
3) I like the band and want to show my support.
I don't look bad in these shirts, nor do I wear them as a purely image-related thing. In fact, if it wasn't for my band shirts I probably wouldn't have met my girlfriend (she obviously didn't think I had no taste in dressing...)

As for wearing the same clothes over and over...well, don't you? Surely you don't buy a different shirt to wear every day?
Or did you mean that we are, in your opinion, the great unwashed legion who wear the exact same shirt day in, day out, for weeks and weeks without changing it...? Again, myself and most of the people I know who wear band shirts regularly (so that's about 3 people then...), only wear their shirts for maybe 2 days before changing it (and then, only if it doesn't smell).
The third way of viewing this statement is that you are mocking people who only wear tshirts everyday. Again, a bullshit statement. Not only are there different types of band shirts (tshirt, longsleeve, workshirt, hoodies etc) but we are quite capable of wearing other clothes if we want to.

When all is said and done maybe we just dress the way we want to because that is what we feel comfortable in...

No, I don't hate you but maybe you shouldn't make such stupid comments. After all, no one's forcing YOU to wear them. Stop being so fucking judgmental.
Purge said:
As for wearing the same clothes over and over...well, don't you? Surely you don't buy a different shirt to wear every day?
Or did you mean that we are, in your opinion, the great unwashed legion who wear the exact same shirt day in, day out, for weeks and weeks without changing it...? Again, myself and most of the people I know who wear band shirts regularly (so that's about 3 people then...), only wear their shirts for maybe 2 days before changing it (and then, only if it doesn't smell).
The third way of viewing this statement is that you are mocking people who only wear tshirts everyday. Again, a bullshit statement. Not only are there different types of band shirts (tshirt, longsleeve, workshirt, hoodies etc) but we are quite capable of wearing other clothes if we want to.

When all is said and done maybe we just dress the way we want to because that is what we feel comfortable in...

No, I don't hate you but maybe you shouldn't make such stupid comments. After all, no one's forcing YOU to wear them. Stop being so fucking judgmental
I wear different clothes and I change my wardrobe once a 3 months.
Different types? The only differences are in images (that are pretty kitsch most time. All t-shirts look same, except the image, all longsleeves look same except the image etc, this is no variety. Same with collors, almost all are in black. Material that they are made from is very average and cut very common.

I´va found metal "fashion" the most nerrow ever. Everyone can wear what he wants, but metalheads often rant about music taste, but their other tastes are strongly limited.

And that point about stupid comments: If someone doesn´t share you statement, his comments are stupid? How narrow.