Girls & Gear


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Pic of my girlfriend on a Marshall cab ... :)


It's actually a pic I made for a local rock'n'roll bar, but I think I'll make a poster from it for my studio :)

EDIT: Scroll down for desktop wallpaper versions ... ;)
The Cleopatra hairdo is...interesting, but otherwise awesome pic dude - did you do some vertical stretching? Cuz I don't remember Marshall cabs being that tall...
The Cleopatra hairdo is...interesting


Marcus: "Hmmm, that looks weird...but I wanna be polite...but but....I can't just ignore this do I put this...oh yeah...I'm gonna write 'interesting', that'll do... yeah...that's not really making a compliment...but it raises attention....not that anybody would have to raise attention about her hair....but it is kinda...neutral...yeah...'interesting' is fine...let's hope nobody interprets anything into really...does it sound like an innuendo that I don't like her hairstyle?...nah....'interesting' is fine....I mean... come on!!! It jumped right at am I supposed to not address her hair??....I....can' that cab looks a bit streched"

You accidentally her hair! :lol:
HAHAHAHAhahahahhahahahahahaha, brilliant Bernhard - GET OUT OF MY HEAD :lol: Smy, no offense intended dude! (but I did have to mention it :D)
shessusss!!! the first thing you guys noticed was her hair??? huh??? very nice pic dude. very well done. I'd love a poster of that. You should go into business..
I stretched the cab and the background. The original cab was standing on hardwood floor and there was the border between wall and floor visible.

The hairstyle is a matter of getting used to. I actually REALLY hate the fringe-style in general, but I guess if the right person wears it, you start to appreciate it :)