Girls + Guns = ?

It may look like a conflicted moral set, but I think it holds. Russell said it better than I did.

I can respect your opinion, Kevin. I know you're a person of conviction, and so I know it's not a flippant choice for you.

Still though, worth joining up just to see some of these chicks? :)
By "varying morals", I just meant my opinion compared to yours. I wasn't saying you're contradicting yourself or anything.

It's an easy choice for me because I love life and although it may make me seem a bit sheltered or reclusive at times, I tend to avoid situations, people, or places that could unnecessarily put mine at risk. To me, joining the military is like putting my life in twice the danger it would be, without an option to leave the situation until I'm allowed to. It's always seemed a bit ironic to me to "fight for freedom" when fighting in the army means not having any freedom.

Anyways, I respect your opinion as well and consider it an honorable one to boot. Without people like you, people like me wouldn't have a choice.
This is funny... so one of my friends came over with another friend of his that I never met to pick up some DVDs I made him,
and like my laptop was open on this thread so he saw the picture of the two chickes above -----
he goes: "oh hot chicks with guns... are they from the IDF?"
I say: "yeah! How did you know?"
he said: "I can tell by the uniforms *then he squints and goes: * "oh they are in this and this division"
so I say with a confused look: " :they are in boot camp... still in training: you can tell by their shoulder colors...."
a moment of silent, my friend and I are looking at each other, I go: "yeah....................ok dude"
they leave
then I get a text: "oh my god my friend wanted to burry himself after he heard you actually SERVED the IDF and he was pretanding to be mister know it all"


This is funny... so one of my friends came over with another friend of his that I never met to pick up some DVDs I made him,
and like my laptop was open on this thread so he saw the picture of the two chickes above -----
he goes: "oh hot chicks with guns... are they from the IDF?"
I say: "yeah! How did you know?"
he said: "I can tell by the uniforms *then he squints and goes: * "oh they are in this and this division"
so I say with a confused look: " :they are in boot camp... still in training: you can tell by their shoulder colors...."
a moment of silent, my friend and I are looking at each other, I go: "yeah....................ok dude"
they leave
then I get a text: "oh my god my friend wanted to burry himself after he heard you actually SERVED the IDF and he was pretanding to be mister know it all"


Your reply to the text needs to be: "OWN3D"
yay girls and guns... it's so funny cause i just finished cleaning my weapon... ifyaknowwhatimean...
Guns and war are scary and bad... Mah no likey...i remember Karens gun photo and i remember thinking how scary that must have been to be in a nation perpetually at war...
ok now i can sorta contribute with a few quick (read as 'bad') pics...

no chicks, but a nicely cleaned weapon yes:




and voila... im off to sleep