Girls + Guns = ?

can you really have hair that long and jewellery in a real army?

Nope. the lenghth of the hair doesn't matter, as long as it's never down like that... it has to be in a pony tail, and if you're in field/ commanding: your hat must wrap it... About the jewelery: judging by the type of uniform she is wearing: it looks like she serves in an office job in military- which then jewelery be OK.... (technically it isn't but no one really cares in offices jobs)

I just don't like Jews.


Yet again, we have an agreement, Derek!
I don't know, considering that she is pretty good shape it makes one think she just has naturally, healthy chunky thighs. Which I'm down with.

As for packing some behind - it's pretty essential. Providing she's in good shape and it's naturally juicy.
Discuss pics all you want, but you guys ignored this one and that makes me sad.