Give It to Me ;)


Mar 11, 2005
I did some recordings with my vocals and solo yet.
What do you guys think of the mix?
On the stopped parts I was a little bit lazy to clean up the noise...
on the master channel there was L2 with the CD Master Preset.

So what could be done better?
Therein - Opressor

thx for your comments!
Yes, it is amazing, I'm speechless... But seriously, the drums are a little bit unbalanced in their volume level and I absolutely hate the snare, sorry. The other parts are okay, no huge problems here (I'm listening on a laptop though). The music is okay but kind of boring, nothing that different. Maybe this song is built around vox though so maybe why it's boring w/o them.
that's pretty good... don't sweat about no comments... seems unless your tone or clip has been ordained by God you probably won't get many comments

my two cents FWIW...

the whole mix is really dry

are the drums programmed... the snare particularly needs some work... maybe some alternate detuning

the cymbals are a bit brash

maybe consider distorting the bass to make it an extension of the guitars
thx for your comments...

I cut some samples from the kit of my drummer and replaced most of the drumhits with them. unfortunately I didn´t take care that they differ from velocity and angle so especially the snare hits are all relatively equal to each other, although it were six different hits.
Well it seems the snare is the main problem, did I get this right?
Snare is compressed and EQed and I tryed the three reverbs thing from a post in this forum...
So I will increase the amount of reverb on the Snare, what else could be improved?
Should I put some verb on the master to get the whole mix more wet, or do you guys manage this via the single channels?
I would pick one verb (medium room, 1.5sec) for the whole drumkit and stick with that. Since your mix does sound dry you could use more verb on the snare, toms and maybe even overheads. I wouldn't put reverb on your master bus because then it will be on your gtrs/bass which I don't think would work good with this mix. This snare does need some work too. Maybe some more lows around 200hz and some more crack around 8k, but the attack on it seems good.