give me the filthiest, most unsettling, most disturbing...


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
and most disgusting metal albums you can think of. What are they? I'm thinking of some stuff along the lines of Infester, Krieg, Portal perhaps, or perhaps some filthy black/thrash. Something like that. Am I being a bit too vague?
Try these. Unsettling as fucking hell, especially some vocal segments in the latter album.

Dark Tribe - In jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der tollwütigen Bestie
Sortsind - Sår

Edit: Also, you might be interested in Face by Psychosis (also known as Mass Psychosis). Check out Drowned's review for it on M-A. Weird shit.
I seem to recall you not liking Xasthur, but The Funeral Of Being is pretty unsettling. The fact that two tracks are titled Intro, and neither start the album tells you you're dealing with someone who's a bit off. Also, Blood From The Roots of The Forest Part 2 precedes part 1. The general feel, the ambient tracks, the vocals, production, abrupt song ends, etc. give this album a disturbing feel. Unfortunately, the first two tracks are weak. So I'd recommend starting with the 3rd and going from there. Maybe sample Sigils Made of Flesh and Trees. It's a creepy song.

I think it's easily the most disturbing Xasthur release, and it's much easier to hear than Nocturnal Poisoning.

You might also want to check out the Manes demos from 92-95. It's where Xasthur clearly takes a ton of inspiration.
I can't remember if you're familiar with The Axis of Perdition or not...if you're not, then I highly suggest you get acquainted with it