giz a hand with my project pls

yeah i like this one. the other dali crucifixion is good too. i like how you can never see jesus' face. absence in art says far more than presence...i mean the very fact that you never know what he looks like seems to be dali making a comment on how artists impressions of jesus face, as dhatura says, all stem back from other people. like dali leading a mini revolution
a never liked dali much but thats a cool drawing.

i have no concrete idea of jesus' image in me head. i mean its nothing and everything at the same time. all sorts of things.
blackeyed said:
yeah i like this one. the other dali crucifixion is good too. i like how you can never see jesus' face. absence in art says far more than presence...i mean the very fact that you never know what he looks like seems to be dali making a comment on how artists impressions of jesus face, as dhatura says, all stem back from other people. like dali leading a mini revolution
a mini? hes a god!
but the thing about absence in art is so true!
yeah well, not very helpful i guess. check those renaissance paintings tho. leonardo, rafael and michaelangelo have produced amazing stuff in terms of depection. caravagio too.
sol83 said:
yeah well, not very helpful i guess. check those renaissance paintings tho. leonardo, rafael and michaelangelo have produced amazing stuff in terms of depection. caravagio too.
yeah i know, thanks but like i say - im looking for modern interpretation, relevant to all you lot right here and now.

ok new question.

so imagin jesus lived next door to you, or went to the same shop as you to buy toilet paper - think about the senario for a little while. he could have been anyone you met, jesus could be female, who right, put your self into a senario - what does jesus look like in this scene? jesus could be anyone a tramp to an archist. what does he say when you pick the same brand bog roll? what can you hear him singing in the shower through the wall? think of him in everyday terms - or does this not sit comfortably with you? if it doesnt, why doesnt it.

(i know i am probably pissing a few people off here for whatever reason - sorry, im just trying to squeeze as much as i can from people...want this project to be informed.)
blackeyed said:
yeah i know, thanks but like i say - im looking for modern interpretation, relevant to all you lot right here and now.

ok new question.

so imagin jesus lived next door to you, or went to the same shop as you to buy toilet paper - think about the senario for a little while. he could have been anyone you met, jesus could be female, who right, put your self into a senario - what does jesus look like in this scene? jesus could be anyone a tramp to an archist. what does he say when you pick the same brand bog roll? what can you hear him singing in the shower through the wall? think of him in everyday terms - or does this not sit comfortably with you? if it doesnt, why doesnt it.

(i know i am probably pissing a few people off here for whatever reason - sorry, im just trying to squeeze as much as i can from people...want this project to be informed.)

If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with him in all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home

If God had a face what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and in jesus and the saints and all the prophets

And yeah yeah god is great yeah yeah god is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
He's trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if god was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome
I remember the video, when she was shown in a close up she looked really cool and beautiful and then when the camera was further away from her face, she looked sort of plainish, well, not plain but like ordinary.