Glad to be alive (off topic!)

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
He means Nica's.. not Tico's lol .... glad your sexy self is ok Pabla... muahz...

Well you're right Nicas drive worse than Ticos :lol:

Seriously UM after being in US you have to acknowledge the fact that people here drive very bad and recklessly.

Anyway taxi drivers, bus drivers, truckers and bikers are the creme of the crap around here, and I stand by my assestment.
Glad you are alright Pabla. I replied once before but I guess it didn't go through..... I don't like to "over-exagerrate" stuff and make some weird philosophical post, but "life" is the most precious thing we have. Everyone plese be careful out there, especially on the road. We want to see your posts on UMOS. ^___^

Bryant said:
I don't like to "over-exagerrate" stuff and make some weird philosophical post, but "life" is the most precious thing we have.


Or as the US philosopher Ayn Rand put it;

Its the concept of "life" that makes the concept of "value" possible. Its only to a living being that something can be of value.

Life therefore, is the standard of value. For a rational being this means that anything that threatens, hampers or destroys his life is badl and anything that in a *rational way* enhances, improves or furthers his life is good. :p
Pabla said:
:grin: good Bon Jovi reference

Actually tico's means Costa Rican native.. what they call themselves lol not Tico Torres .. ewwwwwwww .. Nica's are Nicaraguans.. like PR's and DM's call themselves whatever. boricua's etc...
Wyvern said:
Well you're right Nicas drive worse than Ticos :lol:

Seriously UM after being in US you have to acknowledge the fact that people here drive very bad and recklessly.

Anyway taxi drivers, bus drivers, truckers and bikers are the creme of the crap around here, and I stand by my assestment.

yeah i know its true Wyvern.. my sister is one of them lol she scares the shit out of me when she drives me around Costa Rica.. and my brother in law too when were driving through or around mountains/volcano's etc.. im literally holding the door handle tight and pushing my foot down on the floor hard like i was driving and hitting the brakes lol ... but Nica's are still worst then us Tico's.. lol ... anyways the drivers in CR would outdue the NYC taxi drivers thats for sure lol ... and funny thing is they all drive stick shift... :erk:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Actually tico's means Costa Rican native.. what they call themselves lol not Tico Torres .. ewwwwwwww .. Nica's are Nicaraguans.. like PR's and DM's call themselves whatever. boricua's etc...

:blush: I didn't know that.. but it sounded like a BJ reference to me anyway... :err: don't be saying "ewwww" to my BJ now
*looks to the left... looks to the right* I thought Hawk and Bryant were gonna mutate some sort of philosophy thread here... :grin:
Bryant said:
Hmmmm........ I will not get philosophical with Pabla and "BJ." Ha ha ha


:p as long as it's a philosophy I agree upon we are cool!

Speaking of life... how is the new babe? :)
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
yeah i know its true Wyvern.. my sister is one of them lol she scares the shit out of me when she drives me around Costa Rica.. and my brother in law too when were driving through or around mountains/volcano's etc.. im literally holding the door handle tight and pushing my foot down on the floor hard like i was driving and hitting the brakes lol ... but Nica's are still worst then us Tico's.. lol ... anyways the drivers in CR would outdue the NYC taxi drivers thats for sure lol ... and funny thing is they all drive stick shift... :erk:

The first month after returning from US I was dead scared driving here, now I leanr the tricks of the trade, but half of me tries to behave civilized and the other half wants to be Mad Max :loco:

As for taxi drivers, those are a breed apart. Genetically designed in some obscure lab from SPECTRE they are being sent throughout the world to deliver woe to drivers. The ones in NYC are just the enhanced version, juts like the Uruk-Hai :tickled:

Pabla said:
:blush: I didn't know that.. but it sounded like a BJ reference to me anyway... :err: don't be saying "ewwww" to my BJ now

What's BJ? And don't give me a dirty answer :ill:
Bryant said:
Koji is doing very well. We took him to his first trip to the park today. We got some pictures of course, though I haven't downloaded them yet.


You *do* know that we want to see those pictures, don't you? :cool: :p