Glen met Euronymus ... ha,ha,ha :)

May 28, 2004
DEICIDE's Glen Benton is the subject of the "Going Postal" feature in the August 2008 issue of Revolver magazine. Glen was asked a series of questions by readers of Revolver, many on the subject of his influences, his personal life and DEICIDE's legacy. One of the more unique questions was sent in by reader "Anthony," who asked; "What really happened between you and [murdered MAYHEM founder] Euronymous when you met in the early '90s?"
Glen responded: "This is how out of the loop I was. I met him and he kind of reminded me of Squiggy from 'Laverne and Shirley'. Because I met him when I was a kid, too, at a baseball game. I met him and I was like, 'Wow, fuckin' Squiggy.' Anyway, I meet the guy and he's carrying a mace, but it looks like he stole the table leg off his mom's kitchen table and put, like, nails through it and shit. And he was wearing this $1.99 cape that you'd buy at the dollar store during Halloween. They brought me backstage and they said, 'Uranus, or whatever, from MAYHEM is there and wants to meet you.' So I went out there and met him. And in his broken English, he said [in robotic, foreign accent] 'I did not have problem with you, but this band GORGUTS. They are not true death-metal/black-metal band.' And I was just sitting there with a big shit-eating grin on my face like, 'Yeah, that's cool, man.' And I really didn't know the importance of the guy. To me he looked like another goofball fan."

That's awesome and made me laugh hard ... ha,ha,ha :)