Ha-ha-ha ,Dark Tranquillity fans are so ...

DragonLady1 said:
the best thing in this thread is KC's now playing: "Mercenary - Fire Soul" :)
And I get to see them live in 2 months. :cool: I cannay wait. :hotjump:

@Frantic-eyes. Screw King Diamond!!! I'm more of a backbone than that user I've never met any day!! :Smug:

Dark Tranquillity fans are soooo... Good looking. I heard rumours that during the Tuska meet up last year they were mistaken several times for the Baywatch extras crew, and signed 178 sets of breasts between them.
King Chaos said:
And I get to see them live in 2 months. :cool: I cannay wait. :hotjump:

@Frantic-eyes. Screw King Diamond!!! I'm more of a backbone than that user I've never met any day!! :Smug:

Dark Tranquillity fans are soooo... Good looking. I heard rumours that during the Tuska meet up last year they were mistaken several times for the Baywatch extras crew, and signed 178 sets of breasts between them.
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: King Chaos, I absolutely was talking about you and why King Diamond showed up I have no clue.Hope things in London are getting better and you and your ladyfriend are OK :wave:

holy shit rahv, that nearly killed me.

@Frantic Eyes: Well, London looks fine from here, everyone's taking the right attitude and saying "We're not affraid bitches, may I have another?!" :smug: . Me and the girl are getting on alright ;)... Although I don't want what she wants, but she wants it really bad. 'tis a bit shit that... but thanks anyway for the social validation and what not :p...
@rahvin: Me too... :Spin:

from where has this RAGE been spawened
been BUILDING deep inside for far too long
forgotten memories buried and hidden
creating my own EMOTIONAL PRISON

can it be that i HAVE LOST ?
CONTROL OF my actions and my thoughts

edited by the moderator because:
we're stealing enough bandwidth as it is. also, quote tags were a mess your relatives would be ashamed of.
I'm sure rahvin's girlfriend had something to do with that pic. :)
Siren said:
@Arch: what was in the pic?

isn't it visible anymore? there's just one pic, which is the one i posted. i edited franticeyes post as he quoted the image, and since i'm not hosting it i thought it was a little too much.

and no, liz had nothing to do with the picture. i just thought that this thread lacked an image of a kitten and a duck with a stupid caption, seeing as how everything else wasn't making any sense at all. ;)
rahvin said:
isn't it visible anymore? there's just one pic, which is the one i posted. i edited franticeyes post as he quoted the image, and since i'm not hosting it i thought it was a little too much.

and no, liz had nothing to do with the picture. i just thought that this thread lacked an image of a kitten and a duck with a stupid caption, seeing as how everything else wasn't making any sense at all. ;)
Cool. Thanks for the clarifications.
rahvin said:
i edited franticeyes post as he quoted the image,
I probably missed something with this thread but I thought 'frantic eyes'
was a woman who posted here at one time, using a different id?
The style of writing and the word usage is the same as her's?
We had communicated for a while and I became familiar with her writings.
Her given name has the initials A P ???
frantic eyes said:
@ La Rocque, you pretty much make the backbone of this forum. Have a nice day

@frantic eyes, have a great life -
La Rocque said:
I probably missed something with this thread but I thought 'frantic eyes'
was a woman who posted here at one time, using a different id?
The style of writing and the word usage is the same as her's?
We had communicated for a while and I became familiar with her writings.
Her given name has the initials A P ???

@frantic eyes, have a great life -

there was some one who had a pixle sprite for there avatar called Angel eyes or something... I think it was her you're on about... and I agree, she does have similar mannerisms...
rahvin said:
isn't it visible anymore? there's just one pic, which is the one i posted. i edited franticeyes post as he quoted the image, and since i'm not hosting it i thought it was a little too much.
ah, it's visible, i just thought there was a different pic in the edited post.