Glenn's Insider Sale.

Yeah, but the fact that the line up blocked my tables wasn't to cool. But I suppose no one saw that happening until it went down. And those goddamn steps probably robbed me a bit, surprised no one fell over them and busted their ass.
It does seem like doing that thing in the lobby might have been a better idea for a few reasons. I think it would have gotten more traffic and besides the Nightmare set up made that whole area appear like a backstage area.
Again I don't think this was the plan it just turned out that way, no biigy.
Ok I'm ready to be attacked now ..
No attack here. Just explaining. The stage had an addition of 4 feet to the side and almost 2 feet to the front since last year. That caught everyone by surprise. I did not care for the steps myself, but was left with no option. As for it being basically hidden, that will also be taken into consideration and planned for before next year too, provided the insider sales happens again.
No attack here. Just explaining. The stage had an addition of 4 feet to the side and almost 2 feet to the front since last year. That caught everyone by surprise. I did not care for the steps myself, but was left with no option. As for it being basically hidden, that will also be taken into consideration and planned for before next year too, provided the insider sales happens again.

oh yeah I know. I figured all the people who are in the mindset that this fest can do no wrong might attack me for saying this. But what I said was in no way blaming the organization, I know it was a surprise that the stage was wider. And that was really no ones fault that could control it. I did see an option that could have been a quick solitution but I doubt it would have been taken into consideration.
As for things being hidden it kind of was. I would watch people kind of step around the corner a peek up their head as if wondering "can I go back there". One would think they could have figured it out seeing tables of CD boxes. And I know if this hurt my traffic it had to have hurt the traffic going onto the stage. Not only did I notice this but other vendors mentioned it as well.
I requested that spot and all would have been fine if that stage had not been widened. And the steps just seemed to make it dangerous, the first day a between Glenn's sell I had the steps on the stage.
Loved the Insider Sale! It encouraged me to buy discs and it was nice to see it all in front of me so I can compare and not feel like I'm missing something. Having to dig through countless bins for the bands is a bit discouraging and in the past has deterred me from buying albums of the next year's bands.

I wish it was stationed somewhere else. I like the lobby idea.
I unloaded $175.00 there.

$130 here! The only album that I actually really needed was the While Heaven Wept album, but I also wanted to "legitimize" some of the Eldritch downloads, plus I also wanted actual CD copies of the Voyager albums (I've only had the MP3 downloads that I bought off the band's website or got off of eMusic).
I unloaded $175.00 there.

Wow. I was a mere piker, then, at around $90 all told. Had to come back and pick up a few items after verifying online that I didn't have them already. :)

Even on your year "off" I still saw you behind a table selling cds :Spin:

"Waitaminute, Ken!" (In my best Clerks voice.) "You're not even supposed to BE here!" :lol: