Glitch Breakdown


Ascend Recordings
Dec 16, 2010

Maybe you guys can give me a few tips for improvements?
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I think the glitch at 10 seconds is a bit awkward. It seems like it goes off time a bit.
But that is absolutely sick.
Mind if I use this idea on some future projects? :)
it's probably best to listen to this in context of the full song... because it does seem less methodical whereas in this "style" the objective is to sound "robotic" or artificial in theory.

i guess there is nothing set in stone in terms of "style" you can do it however you want but purely as an observer, it sounds very miscalculated.

possibly if you provide more movement in the tempo with more elements such as a melodic undertone or an "industrial" rhythm that can inspire a more clear pattern behavior within the signature rhythm. this is indeed a breakdown so it will probably benefit the song to provide more routine to get people pumped.

or like i said, do whatever you want. ;)
Thank's, I will definitely take all that into consideration when I get back to work on the song.

Any thoughts on the mix production-wise?
My only suggestion would be to make it a bit less spread out.
It just feels really slow the way it is now, but other than that its sounding pretty good