Glitch in vocal tracks

those words will have to be replaced with another take.
Spectral repair with Izotope RX

Did you know Pro Tools prevents glitches :D

Next thing I'll buy is a new interface to replace my firepod because I got tons of issues recently and I want to use something other than jamlab for pro tools m-powered. The more I use pro tools the more I dig it, except for composing.

As for the glitches, I noticed 95% of the time, they are during a ''P'' or a ''F'', like if my pop filter was the problem, but how the fuck could a pop filter create a glitch?

Here's another example with 2 glitches happening during an ''F'': VOCALS3-f.mp3

I doubt these will be hearable in the complete mix though.
i dont hear anything
but if its what im thinking

it could be a playback issue, your mic's diaphragm or the mic is so sensitive that when he screams, hes screaming too close or too hard or both XD
thats my hypothesis.

good luck
those words will have to be replaced with another take.
Spectral repair with Izotope RX

Did you know Pro Tools prevents glitches :D

but apperently pro tools is pretty slow :S

hence the comment "slow tools" that i have been hearing latley from a couple of people, one of them being an ultimate metal member :S
yes it does work great, hopefully you never have to use it :D

right now I've got some acoustic guitar tracks that I want to remove squeaks from and it works well on each single mic but doesn't sound good on all 3 mics. :(
pro tools wouldnt be such a popular program if it was a slow piece....its only slow if your computer doesnt have the right specs to handle it which in turn means its not the software its the guy behind the computer screen not realizing he needs to upgrade his machine