Glycerine is back, aye me hearties!!

It's called Juvenile Hall. Want to come?

Glycerine and Lithium are insultes to Juvinile Delinquints.

They are moer like "Detention for talking in class and drawing pictures of gay sex on their homework becuase their parents check their internet history".

you can tell they are under 15 cause one is named after a nirvana song
These guys arn't Trolls. Keith was a troll, before he got banned the first time and he had the moustache picture.

These guys are like... "0mg he has 10 posts? That means he aint part of t3h 1337 crU, he can't be as cool as us!"
"I totaly drank one of my dads beer!"
"Thats cool!"

Cliff is still paranoid. Thanks for the warm welcome to my friend Glycerine!! 1337 cr3w for life!

These guys arn't Trolls. Keith was a troll, before he got banned the first time and he had the moustache picture.

These guys are like... "0mg he has 10 posts? That means he aint part of t3h 1337 crU, he can't be as cool as us!"
"I totaly drank one of my dads beer!"
"Thats cool!"

These guys arn't Trolls. Keith was a troll, before he got banned the first time and he had the moustache picture.

These guys are like... "0mg he has 10 posts? That means he aint part of t3h 1337 crU, he can't be as cool as us!"
"I totaly drank one of my dads beer!"
"Thats cool!"


I really really really doubt that

I do too.