New Black Fast is ok. Won't be making my list though. Definitely not as good as their last two.
have you heard Starving Out the Light? Their best album so far imo.I agree it's not quite as good as Terms of Surrender. Spectre of Ruin is still solid but doesn't have the same level of variance. I probably wouldn't rate it as high as I did if I didn't absolutely love their style.
Communion's bandcamp says it was released digitally August 21, 2017.
For whatever thats worth.
IIRC Hells Headbangers also had it right at the end of the year in 2017, like late december even.
I unfortunately cant confirm if it was available before 2018 because I didnt buy it from HHR, looks like mine came from RedStream. (which I cant fucking track any order on) It looks like @Omni had it and their bandcamp wasnt properly updated with the full album until later.
1. Bongripper - Terminal
I would rather just put the whole thing on pause tbh but i'm sure that's not something most people would be cool with so i wont even bother. But yeah we can come back later and redo it once we have all the other years covered or something.i always end up having the odd regret about my year end list, but we can always redo it in a couple years time when weve exhausted the remaining polls i guess. you could always extend the deadline a week or two if thatll help at all?