1. Sacral Rage - Beyond Celestial Echoes
2. Voivod - The Wake
3. Wytch Hazel - II: Sojourn
4. Satan - Cruel Magic
5. Druid Lord - Grotesque Offerings
6. Runeshard - Dreaming Spire
7. Manacle - No Fear to Persevere
8. Invocation Spells - Spread Cruelty in the Abyss
9. Sepulcher - Panoptic Horror
10. Teleport - The Expansion
I made a concerted effort to keep up with new releases this year and frankly, I don't think this was a great year for me. While I like everything in this top 10 I'm doubtful I'll end up revisiting anything outside the top 2.
"The Wake" was my most anticipated album this year, as Voivod's previous release "Post Society" is my favorite release of the decade. "The Wake" is great, but doesn't really improve on that EP in any way, so I'm glad I found at least one album I was able to rank higher.
"Beyond Celestial Echoes" is not the tightest album on this list but it impressed and surprised me more than any other. A furiously ambitious and inspired album that draws from the whole spectrum of metal subgenres - listen to "Samsara" start off as Helstar homage and then completely switch it up for an outro that is straight black metal. There are a couple of weak tracks on it, but that whole run from "Suspended Privilege" to "Necropia" comprises the best three songs of the year.
The Runeshard isn't even that great, but I don't see anyone else making Bal-Sagoth albums in 2018.
"Cruel Magic" is miraculous, and if I liked Satan as much as I liked Voivod it'd probably be in the top 3.