Vote for your 3 least favorite songs

  • War Pigs

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Paranoid

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Planet Caravan

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Iron Man

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Electric Funeral

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Hand of Doom

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Rat Salad

    Votes: 18 94.7%
  • Fairies Wear Boots

    Votes: 7 36.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
All of the songs on the album are good. It’s about which are our favorites
i agree, but that literally has nothing to do with what i was pointing out. Try reading my post again.

And the reason people can vote silently is because i actually gave them the option to. I'm just responding to the "but its popular so it's not as good" viewpoint. Which is just completely nonsensical.
When there is a 8 songs that are good songs and 1 of them gets played on everything from shitty radio, to tv commercials, to every second movie that comes out and you can hear the opening riff and the opening riff only 10 times a day it don't matter how good the song is, it's going to get on your tits.

For me at the moment Paranoid is like Dio's Holy Diver, great song but I hear part of it 100 times a day because Hyundai or someone is using it in a car ad here and it's fucking annoying.
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When there is a 8 songs that are good songs and 1 of them gets played on everything from shitty radio, to tv commercials, to every second movie that comes out and you can hear the opening riff and the opening riff only 10 times a day it don't matter how good the song is, it's going to get on your tits.
it does not in any way effect the quality of the song or my opinion on it.

For me at the moment Paranoid is like Dio's Holy Diver, great song but I hear part of it 100 times a day because Hyundai or someone is using it in a car ad here and it's fucking annoying.
so those songs are not as good as they used to be because people love them and its played on the radio a lot? :lol:
i went for the same three as krow, but this album is a masterpiece so it's no slight on those songs (aside from 'rat salad' which is pretty pointless)

i feel the same way as hbb about that 'iron man' riff and have posted pretty much word-for-word about that being my pet peeve as well, but it's a great song regardless.
it does not in any way effect the quality of the song or my opinion on it.

No one said it did (well at least I didn't and I'm no one). But when there is 7 other songs of equal quality something has to give and there has to be a reason for voting a song out and being sick of hearing it is as good a reason as any.

so those songs are not as good as they used to be because people love them and its played on the radio a lot? :lol:

Only you seem to be saying that. I'm saying it annoys the fuck out of me every time I hear the opening riff because that part is all that is in the ad and it's so over played at that moment. It does take something away from the song listening to it in full and when the current ad cycle changes thoughts may change but it doesn't turn a good song into a shit song.
No one said it did
um what? When you vote for one song over the other, you are saying you think one is better than the other, even if it's the by a slim margin. And its pretty funny to me that the deciding factor there is "because its popular"

Only you seem to be saying that
what? What part of "i dont like that song as much because it's overplayed/popular/love by many" are you having trouble with? That literally makes no sense to me. I dont rank or judge songs based on how popular they are. And secondly, no one said anything about a good song turning into a shit song.

All im saying(again) is the popularity of a song is in now way a deciding factor for me when it comes to actually judging the quality of said song. Holy Wars can be played on every radio station, in every commercial and be the new theme for metal hipsters worldwide but it will still be one of my favorites and that stuff in no way would effect my opinion on the song ... because you know, it really has nothing to do with the song itself.
um what? When you vote for one song over the other, you are saying you think one is better than the other, even if it's the by a slim margin.

I responded to you comment about it effecting the quality, now we are talking about it being better? But the comment stands for both.

I dont rank or judge songs based on how popular they are. And secondly, no one said anything about a good song turning into a shit song.

I rank songs on how I feel about them and I don't feel the same about a song that is over played no matter how good it is. I also mentioned nothing about popularity because I was talking about these songs being played in ads on tv and radio and the ads being over played. However did say it wasn't turning a good song into a shit song.

All im saying(again) is the popularity of a song is in now way a deciding factor for me when it comes to actually judging the quality of said song.

And no one is questioning you on that choice.
I responded to you comment about it effecting the quality, now we are talking about it being better?
Lol wtf?

Anyway, here's my ratings for this masterpiece ....
Wait, what? Sabbath's music is being used in Hyundai ads? Praise Satan I don't watch any television then.
The Iron Man opening riff has been used a bit on radio and it gets used quite a bit as intros to anything where there is a discussion of metal. It gets used in quiet a few random tv shows and movies and it gets used every time there is anything about the actual Iron Man movie. It's not used as much now as Holy Diver is because HD is on constant repeat but it's still over used and it's always the same small section.

After seeing that Hyundai ad a few times in the same hour it doesn't take much to get sick of the same 30 seconds of song and it's such a stupid ad that every time you hear the song you do associate bad advertising with the song.
I get all the arguments for overplaying but a good song is a good song. I will say thought that out of all the Sabbath albums from the classic line-up, Paranoid is the one I reach for the least these day, no doubt because of the over-familiarity. That being said, when I do put it on, even the most overplayed songs retain their power. "Iron Man" still grooves fucking hard. "War Pigs" is impossible not to singalong to (OH LORD YEAH). Same for the title track, even though I voted that one out this round. The others were "Planet Caravan" (brilliant song but it pales in compared to the others) and "Rat Salad" although Ward going apeshit is always great.
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So a good song being played a lot effects the actual rating of a song for you guys :lol:? Falseism alert. That's worse than you talking shit to that one guy for saying he knocked down a point from his rating for forced christian lyrics/themes. How does the amount of times a song is played effect the actual quality of the song?

I didn't vote for "Paranoid" buddy. I just said I'm sick of the song due to over-hearing it, didn't say it's a bad song because of that or that I'm voting it out because of it, hence why I didn't vote for it yet.

Calm down.

I'm just responding to the "but its popular so it's not as good" viewpoint. Which is just completely nonsensical.

Mischaracterization. A totally unpopular song could be over-played until you're sick of it too, as I have experienced living with metalheads in my younger days where songs like "The Trooper" were played a billion times a year.

"Smoke On the Water" is the most notorious example of this happening.
A totally unpopular song could be over-played until you're sick of it too, as I have experienced living with metalheads in my younger days where songs like "The Trooper" were played a billion times a year.
I had the same experience once with a friend who blasted Dying Fetus' War of Attrition album on repeat. Fucking amazing album, but hearing it over and over took some of the shimmer away from it.
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Mischaracterization. A totally unpopular song could be over-played until you're sick of it too, as I have experienced living with metalheads in my younger days where songs like "The Trooper" were played a billion times a year.

"Smoke On the Water" is the most notorious example of this happening.

the amount of times a song is played or how popular it is means jack shit to me and has nothing to do with the quality of the song itself is all i'm saying. And the last part of that statement is literally a fact. I laugh at anyone who changes their opinion of a song just because of it's popularity. That's the definition of poserdom
I can see how that would get irritating.

Even more irritating considering I had no intention of seeing the movie and just wanted to listen to Sabbath. It became a song to just skip over whenever it came on. But like has been stated multiple times already, it doesn't make the song bad, doesn't make it shit, dosn't even change the quality of it, but it certainly has an effect on it how often you want to hear it.
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the amount of times a song is played or how popular it is means jack shit to me and has nothing to do with the quality of the song itself is all i'm saying. And the last part of that statement is literally a fact. I laugh at anyone who changes their opinion of a song just because of it's popularity. That's the definition of poserdom

They're not talking about liking a song less because of popularity, they're talking about liking a song less due to over-exposure. You've never gotten sick of a song before?
the amount of times a song is played or how popular it is means jack shit to me and has nothing to do with the quality of the song itself is all i'm saying. And the last part of that statement is literally a fact. I laugh at anyone who changes their opinion of a song just because of it's popularity. That's the definition of poserdom

Changing your opinion of a song because you heard it too many times =/= because it's popular.