Vote for your 3 least favorite songs

  • War Pigs

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Paranoid

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Planet Caravan

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Iron Man

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Electric Funeral

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Hand of Doom

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Rat Salad

    Votes: 18 94.7%
  • Fairies Wear Boots

    Votes: 7 36.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
They're not talking about liking a song less because of popularity, they're talking about liking a song less due to over-exposure. You've never gotten sick of a song before?
for fucks sake i know that, and over exposure due to it being played on the radio and TV commercials goes hand in hand with popularity. I tend to listen to songs i like A LOT, so "over exposure" means nothing to me. "Liking a song less" is the part im having trouble with. An no, i have never liked a song less because of over exposure.That in no way changes my thought on the song. I dont like something less because its on the radio, in tv commercials ot whatever.
Willing over exposure is different to unwilling over exposure.

I thought this game was about voting for favourite songs, not some weird objective standard that doesn't involve personal experiences we have with the album?
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Changing your opinion of a song because you heard it too many times =/= because it's popular.
they're talking about hearing songs on the radio and tv. The more popular a song is the more of a chance that you are going to hear it on the radio and tv. People overplay popular songs more. How in the world are you having trouble with this.

I thought this game was about voting for favourite songs, not some weird objective standard that doesn't involve personal experiences we have with the album?
dude vote however you want(i like every song on this album and dont care about which one make it or dont), im just laughing at some of the poserdom that is being displayed here. Seems to have ruffled quite a few feathers :lol: just fucking let it go and move on already.
for fucks sake i know that, and over exposure due to it being played on the radio and TV commercials goes hand in hand with popularity. I tend to listen to songs i like A LOT, so "over exposure" means nothing to me. "Liking a song less" is the part im having trouble with. An no, i have never liked a song less because of over exposure.That in no way changes my thought on the song. I dont like something less because its on the radio, in tv commercials ot whatever.

What about food? Has there never been a food that you liked, but after eating it too frequently you liked it less or maybe have no desire to ever eat it again?
I for one was talking about hearing it on radio and tv ads, not played in it's entirely. Such air play does not make a song popular, it was never about popularity or quality, it was about getting sick of hearing the same 30 seconds of a song over and over again.
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What about food? Has there never been a food that you liked, but after eating it too frequently you liked it less or maybe have no desire to ever eat it again?
no, and i wish i had the opportunity to eat some of my favorite foods everyday.

Also taste in music=/=food. I can ask you the same question about your all time favorite songs. Would you like them less if suddenly they were on tv or radio everytime you tuned in?
they're talking about hearing songs on the radio and tv. The more popular a song is the more of a chance that you are going to hear it on the radio and tv. People overplay popular songs more. How in the world are you having trouble with this.

dude vote however you want(i like every song on this album and dont care about which one make it or dont), im just laughing at some of the poserdom that is being displayed here. Seems to have ruffled quite a few feathers :lol: just fucking let it go and move on already.

I understand how popularity works, you're conflating how it works with why they'd vote for an overplayed song. They're not voting for the song because it's popular but rather because they heard it too many times for their own good.

Nothing here is poseurdom, a great album has to be whittled down to a single song, therefore people will vote songs out based on all kinds of reasoning. Hearing a song against your will a million times a month is a valid reason.

Not hard to understand.
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Nothing here is poseurdom, a great album has to be whittled down to a single song, therefore people will vote songs out based on all kinds of reasoning. Hearing a song against your will a million times a month is a valid reason.

Next round I'm going to vote alphabetically :)
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Cannibal Corpse is a much better band than Monstrosity as a whole and best album to best album or even worst album to worst album btw.
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Says the guy who always appeals to popularity (last example I remember is when you said most Cannibal Corpse and Monstrosity fans would agree with you that Monstrosity are better).
what does that have to do with appealing to popularity? Especially when considering CC are faaaar more popular and have wayyyy more fans? I was just pointing out the fact that most people who enjoy BOTH bands would have agreed with a few of the statements made in that thread(which Phyl said was surprising or why it was even in question), which were made by the minority of the people posting there if i might add. But yeah leave it to you to pop up in every thread and drag arguments on for pages. You didnt like what i said? Great you, voiced your opinion on it. Why not just fuck off instead of trying to drag shit like this out like you do in every other thread? Now just please go and continue to dangle off the nuts of the people here who tell you what is good and what isnt.

Cannibal Corpse is a much better band than Monstrosity as a whole and best album to best album or even worst album to worst album btw.
take that shit to the appropriate thread. And nah, but they're more popular ... that's for sure
Voting out a song because you got burned out hearing it too many times =/= voting out a song because everybody loves it.

That is over-exposure vs popularity. The former doesn't necessarily need to be a popular song for this effect to take place, I've been pretty burned out on Severed Survival for years at this point because when I first got into death metal I listened to it way too many times.
I'm only just now getting over a years long Cannibal Corpse burn out due to the same thing.

what does that have to do with appealing to popularity? Especially when considering CC are faaaar more popular and have wayyyy more fans? I was just pointing out the fact that most people who enjoy BOTH bands would have agree with a few of the statements made in that thread, which were made by the minority of the people posting there if i might add.

Because you were appealing to popular opinion to support your own personal opinion. It's a logical fallacy, Google it.

But yeah leave it to you to pop up in every thread and drag arguments on for pages.

You directly referenced my opinion on "Paranoid" you disingenuous piece of shit, you started this. :lol:

Now just please go and continue to dangle off the nuts of the people here who tell you what is good and what isnt.

Ironic since you're the guy appealing to popularity to try and win debates.
> quotes my comment about "Paranoid" and calls me and others poseurs

Yeah, nah. Neck yourself.
no, and i wish i had the opportunity to eat some of my favorite foods everyday.

Also taste in music=/=food. I can ask you the same question about your all time favorite songs. Would you like them less if suddenly they were on tv or radio everytime you tuned in?

Absolutely. I only listen to my favorite albums about once a year, often less than that. Sometimes when my dad is in town and we're hanging out talking about and listening to metal, I'll ask him to not play an album if it's one I really like. Novelty is an important factor for enjoyment, at least for me.
Because you were appealing to popular opinion to support your own personal opinion. It's a logical fallacy, Google it.
but the popular opinion by far is that CC are the better band, you nitwit. All i did was respond to Phyls... "Shocked people are even debating this tbh! Imperial Doom rules." by poiting out that's only an opinion based on popularity. I myself said ... "The best albums that Corpsegrinder was ever a part of are Imperial Doom and Millennium. And those two albums shit on most of Cannibal Corpse's discography in just about every possible way."

Ironic since you're the guy appealing to popularity to try and win debates.
Lmao, i wasn't even debating anything with anyone in that thread. Me saying "lulz" to your response is NOT a debate.
You referenced the popular opinion of people who are both CC and Monstrosity fans to support your personal opinion. Try to keep up brainlet.
by pointing out that Cannibal Corpse are revered more because they are more popular? what a fucking idiot this guy is. Go sit on uncle Tom's lap and ask him what albums you should be ranking in the 2014 thread