So, in regards to the invasion of Iraq and the Bush administration's justification of it by saying there was evidence of WMDs, without actually providing credible evidence....
I had basically come to the conclusion that either: a)there is a conspiracy or b)the administration is just plain fucking stupid and really did believe that there was evidence when all of their intelligence was telling them otherwise.
Or, as my wife so cleverly put it, it's A playing B.
However, stepping down from my soapbox, I was sittin' back, watching Nightline and an idea came to me. What if all of this was just a play in the global theatre? I mean c'mon, this document that the Senate Commission presented today comes out at just the right time. By that I mean it's coming out right before Sadaam's trial, what if his huge group of lawyers managed to use this as evidence for the defense to show the world that the Bush administration was criminal in invading in the first place? What if the US was to be found in violation of United Nations law and held accountable?
Go ahead and laugh, but I think it makes for a great subplot for the next season of 24.
I had basically come to the conclusion that either: a)there is a conspiracy or b)the administration is just plain fucking stupid and really did believe that there was evidence when all of their intelligence was telling them otherwise.
Or, as my wife so cleverly put it, it's A playing B.
However, stepping down from my soapbox, I was sittin' back, watching Nightline and an idea came to me. What if all of this was just a play in the global theatre? I mean c'mon, this document that the Senate Commission presented today comes out at just the right time. By that I mean it's coming out right before Sadaam's trial, what if his huge group of lawyers managed to use this as evidence for the defense to show the world that the Bush administration was criminal in invading in the first place? What if the US was to be found in violation of United Nations law and held accountable?
Go ahead and laugh, but I think it makes for a great subplot for the next season of 24.