Go listen to Tokyo Warhearts

Ben Johnson said:
BTW, Alexi's technical skill has NOT diminished over the years. However, he has gotten sloppier, but this is due directly to how low his guitar is hanging.


Look at that in 2006, it's practically at Korn height.

He's hunched over and in a stance, the other picture, he's standing up. Not aguing the other points, just the reason why his guitar is hanging low.
Rock Hydra said:
He's hunched over and in a stance, the other picture, he's standing up. Not aguing the other points, just the reason why his guitar is hanging low.

Look at the angle of his right arm in both pictures, and how his hand is grasping the neck. If just stood up straight in the picture on the right, his arm would probably need to be fully extended to even pick the strings, ie: a really unnatural and uncomfortable playing position.
To be honest, looks the same to me (using the end of the fretboard to judge and 2 pictures of Alexi standing up):



I think rather than how his guitar is hanging, his technique when he leads. Instead of pulling the guitar to him, he hunches down on the guitar. Do an image search and you'll see him hunched over in a LOT of them, actually.
LedByTheReaper said:
Urm I've seen Dragonforce 3 times and they can pull it off live, try leaving your house and going to a gig.

actually both times i've seen them they were sloppy as fuck with terrible sound quality and just overall shit, two different venues too.
enjoi17 said:
actually both times i've seen them they were sloppy as fuck with terrible sound quality and just overall shit, two different venues too.
I love your sig:lol:
LedByTheReaper said:
Urm I've seen Dragonforce 3 times and they can pull it off live, try leaving your house and going to a gig.
Name me one solo that they pulled off note for note. I saw them and I listened for my favorite parts, many of which were not there. It was a sad day for me, I learned that Dragonforce's music is not real. I've seen Bodom over 10 times and everytime is amazing. But nothing will compare to Tokyo Warhearts. Alexi was brilliant back then. Now, his music is like everyone else's
I haven't listened to Tokyo Warhearts yet but it's just the same songs from their other albums so i'm not going to buy it. ANd Bodom are fuckin awsome live. SIxpounder makes a really good live song.