Go Through Your Music Collection Right Now!!! And ...

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
... list as many songs from your collection that you feel carry a thoughtful message about society or politics or whatever, or something that you feel relates to something 'intellectual' rather than fiction. Also write a few lines about what you feel the track is about. Leave out Pink Floyd cause we all know.

Ive just been through about 80 albums, I honestly thought I would find more than this

Beatles - Happiness is a warm gun - Americans obsessions with guns etc
Jefferson Airplane - Eskimo Blue Day - Chopping down trees, destroying wildlife in the name of progress etc

Maybe I just havent got that kind of record collection, or at this early hour Im failing to recognise or remember the messages behind the song titles.

I'll go through some more later. If anyone can be arsed Id like them to do the same
the wind of spring blows in heaven
in the land of gold in the land of god
manipulate the holiness
maculate our loneliness
shining between two worlds
learning to win and hold
fraction of monopoly
tension of opposite's pole
give or take what has to move
for I will fight for my country
Eldest to the one and I
harvest of love and light
armless - amnesty

North south east and west the cross is sent over the lands
keep draining what was and will be in our time in our life
pilot soul takes you on the ride, no rise no fall for Humankind

Among the best survive or leave
paranoid night so hard to relieve
would you betray innovation
in the name of tradition
hopeless - amnesia

North south east and west the cross is sent over the lands
keep draining what was and will be in our time in our life
pilot soul takes you on the ride, no rise no fall for Humankind

Helvetia gloria still smile behind the shade of shame
cross your faith, join your hands tomorrow holds another day
Eldest to the one and I
harvest of love and light
dictated by war and hate
supported by those who hide
it lives in your mind
whatever you may say
whoever you may pray
Christianity worldwide
I've seen the needle
and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's
like a settin' sun.....neil young/needle and the damage done

I was thinking that
maybe I'd get a maid
Find a place nearby
for her to stay.
Just someone
to keep my house clean,
Fix my meals and go away.

A maid. A man needs a maid.
A maid.....neil young/man needs a maid ;) 'm sure some will like those lyrics

and also "cortez the killer", or "pocahontas", about what the new "americans" did to the "indians"
just one example:

new model army - spirit of the falklands

The natives are restless tonight, sir
Cooped up on estates with no hope in sight
They need some kind of distraction
We can give them that
'Cause they'd kill if they only had something to kill for
They'd die if they only had something to die for
They'd cheer if they only had something to cheer for
We can give them that
So it's off to war we go (I couldn't believe it)
Bring out all the flags (I never believed it)
Fight the good fight

It's working like a dream, sir
Half the nation are hooked on the bait
Waiting for the next victorious instalment
We can give them that
'Cause it's no surprise that young men are heroes
It's no surprise that young men are strong
It's no surprise that young men are foolish
We've known that all along
Exciting pictures on News at Ten (I couldn't believe it)
Read all the crap on all the front pages (I never believed it)
Fight the good fight
Ch: Dead men in the South Atlantic
It's meant to warm our hearts
They think that they died for you and me
Oh God, what a farce, what a farce

And now it's the repeats
Plugging the Falklands and the Falklands' spirit
Show the pictures again and again
Till the next war comes around
'Cause we'll kill if we only have something to kill for
We'll die if we only have something to die for
We'll cheer if we only have something to cheer for
That is worthy of the name
Oh yes the next war (I never believed it)
See the propaganda in TV fiction (I never believed it)
Enemies with horns and tails
Ch: There are dead men in the South Atlantic
It's meant to warm our hearts
They think that they died for you and me
Oh God, what a farce, what a farce
There's crippled men back home in England
Doesn't it warm your hearts
They think they fought for peace and freedom
Poor boys, what a farce, what a farce

though i guess i could take every second song by them.
megadeth has some decent lyrics too...

Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand


The military intelligence
Two words combined that can't make sense
funny you should mention this actually...
Can you spare any [social] change
after fucking every social donut hole

the US toilet is overflowing
(and sure needs over throwing)
with Mr MEdia's diarrhea

this dirty dickin' disaster
all of this dirty dickin' during a diarrhea dilemma
this dirty dickin' dilemma

psst! is that a halfie in your pants? by the locust.
ooo lets av another-
this one is ...
wet dream war machine
stop talking politics
rephrase rephrase
hibernating phantom friend
witness witness

theres a hotbed of isms round here

all hail the chopper
the blitzkrieg
the tank
never mind the ethics involved

theres more but i cant be arsed...
nick holmes never meant anything by it, he just made it all up, hes doesnt even know himself what theyre about, and fans related to it for some strange reason

ok id read them once, twice maybe, but id never remember them or try to even. i would listen to the singing if that helps, but the music i would remember. some writers write lyrics to accompany the music cos without it, it could fall flat on its arse. maybe its just me, tired of the same old formula. another thing is, all this cryptic stuff, why cant they just make it simple and universal, just get it out and get to the point, its more natural
autonomy is a world of difference they're creeping round but they know they can't come in back from the front with observation it's still there across from me an extreme example bringing you what they want twenty four hours a day whole lot of not but it's convenient pray for fire they'll tell you anything it's speculation pure speculation bringing you back to base
Malaclypse said:
though i guess i could take every second song by them.

Right. If I had to chose one of their songs that lyrically sums it up, it would be "I Love The World" or "R&R". Or "Modern Times". Or "Here Comes The War". Or "All Of This". Damn, I give up. :) (good time to update my signature though)

Another song that springs to mind: "A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free" by Elliott Smith. Cryptic as always, but vaguely political, at least in the title, which I guess refers to the power of the media in consensus-making and the "god knows why my country dont give a fuck" line.

The real message here is: listen to Elliott Smith, people!
Strangelight said:
autonomy is a world of difference they're creeping round but they know they can't come in back from the front with observation it's still there across from me an extreme example bringing you what they want twenty four hours a day whole lot of not but it's convenient pray for fire they'll tell you anything it's speculation pure speculation bringing you back to base

is this by any chance to do with nurses?