Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda


1. Drull
2. Ashtray Cunt Eyes
3. SkultonRiver
4. Beatrice Hog
5. Birth Of Cousins
6. ItchyHateTrigger
7. Coelcanth
8. Leeechbag

Label: Willowtip Records
Release date: 2003
Artist site:


Ugh. This is absolutely horrible. What in Satan's name is this garbage? Their press release says "their music is to be seen through rats' eyes, to be heard through the cracks of sewer lids in the most drug addled neighborhood." In other words, it's SHIT! It also goes on to mention that GOATSBLOOD "feels like a rusty corkscrew gradually being coiled up your urethra".

Gee, sounds like something I want to get in line for! Do they sell advance tickets? I mean, seriously, they are compared to the legendary EYEHATEGOD and aside from these guys ripping off EHG, the similarities end there. Track 7 is the only "song" I could remotely get anything out of.

Like I told JayKeeley (Ali), I had to sit through this cd in doses, that's how bad it is. I'm sure there are people out there that will enjoy this smoldering pile of feces, but I'm sure there are people that enjoy huffing gasoline and buttfucking their mother or sister, too.

Bottom line? Drull is good stuff to aurally terrorize your neighbors or worst enemy with, just make sure you're wearing earplugs when you do it.