Novembers Doom play the Metro Oct 1st

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Its official Chicago's Own 'Novembers Doom' announce their confirmation to the Windy City Invitational On Saturday, October 1st in Chicago at Metro.

We are extremely honored to be asked to perform on the inaugural WCI in our hometown, Chicago. The Metro is legendary, the stage and sound are incredible. It was important to us that we be there to represent our hometown metal scene. We'll be performing as part of the vanguard for the awesome line up this show has. The diversity of the bill is amazing, like no other festival in this country. All the bands from The End Records (Thine Eyes Bleed, Lilitu, Epoch of Unlight) will be performing back to back from Noon Until 2:00 PM. Novembers Doom along with Macabre, Acumen Nation and Hurtlocker prove WCI is truly a representation of amazingly heavy bands not only from around the world, but also our hometown of Chicago, and believe me, we are not coming to disappoint!

The Hurtlocker guys and us are going to donate 50 of our own shirts, 25 each, and our label, The End Records has 50 DISCS from a variety of their bands that we are going to give to the first 50 people through when doors open at Noon. You have to come early, before 12:30 to score the free T-Shirts and Discs. So be sure and get there early to check us all out, grab your T's, discs and see some killer bands from the entire lineup all day long. See you there!

For all related information please visit the official websites of WCI
Congratulations! Hope the WCI Web site info gets updated soon. The show is next week! Hate these early shows, especially on Saturday, but I'll try to drag my ass out of bed to be there on time to see the bands play. Weehheee!
Yeah we know it's really early to ask people to come up to the Metro for a metal show but that's a big part of why we're offering the free stuff as an incentive for people. The only thing I can say is that this bill is really diverse and there's alot of solid bands playing, which was a big part of why we wanted to do this show and agreed to play so early. It's not too often that Chicago gets this diverse of a bill and at such a good venue as well, so we'll be extremely pleased to see as many of you come out as early as you can and come hang with us and get a bunch of free shit too!

Wildfyr hopefully if you do decide to make it out you can take some pics of us! If you have a problem getting your camera in or something, maybe we can work that out and get it in for you or something, let us know.
Holy crap! If you're serious about that then I will definitely make an effort to come out for this show next Saturday. Sorry for whining about the early start time. :^) Haven't been to Metro lately. Missed the Nepalm/Obituary show there a couple weeks back. Surfing by the Metro Info page I see there is no mention of what they allow in as far as recording devices. The only mention of recording is the link to Chicago Recording Company on the bottom left side of the page.

If you can arrange some sort of deal allowing me to bring my camera in that would be awesome! Metro's stage is nicely elevated, too, so I might even be able to obtain some crotch shots! :D Damn. Now I wish I had a better camera. There is one I'd like to purchase but I DO NOT want to use a credit card to obtain it. I only have a balance amount of around $2,500 on one card that I want to eliminate as soon as possible and that won't happen if I put a $1,000 camera purchase on it. I'm about | |<<<<<that close to being free of bullshit usury nonsense. Fuck that shit sideways! I'm sick of that crap.

Anyway, if you don't mind the fact that my current digital camera does not pump out high res images, then I'm all for giving it a shot. If I cannot acquire my dream camera before next weekend, I'll see if my sister will let me borrow her old Nikon SLR. She has that and an old Vivitar - the one I used at Powerfest a couple years ago. She says the Nikon still works but the door for the battery compartment won't latch closed. I'll check into it, though, and thanks so much for the offer! What a very nice surprise. :-)
Okay, well I'll look into it, because I can tell you now that we probably won't have any sort of guest passes or anything of that sort, being that it's a fest and a last minute gig at that. I'll find out the details and such and let you know, perhaps we can get your camera in with us. Even if we do though, you might only be able to take pics of us and not the other bands, depending on how the politics of all that goes. I'm not sure on what the Metro's policy is on photography, but if it's anything like House Of Blues then it's pretty tough!
Congrats on the gig guys!!
Shit, I wasn't planning on going to this show, but now I may just have to.
It would be great to see you guys play a venue with such a good sound system too.

Do you know how long your set will be?

I was planning on going to Priest / Anthrax in Milwaukee, but with the addition of Macabre and yourselves, this is really turning into quite the event!
The Metro is an amazing stage to play on when you consider how many legendary band have played there. When I did it, it was fucking surreal.
Best of luck to all my friends in ND.
Yea, when I was in a band, that was the one place I would have killed to play at.
A couple friends of mine have played there and said it was truly amazing.
Dan - I know what you mean. I have been going to shows at Metro since high school
To play there is quite an honor
NvmbrsDoom5: Ok. Thanks. Just so you know, I already knew that taking pics of the other bands wasn't going to be part of deal. Nevertheless, I do appreciate your offer even if you are not able to help me get my camera in for your set.
Hey if you're able to get your camera in and they don't give you problems you can take pics of any of the bands it doesn't matter to me! I'm just saying sometimes the policy at these clubs is that if you are there with a certain band, you're allowed to take pics or film that particular band and that's it, I just wanted to mention that just in case. I'll keep in touch on this though =)
Novembers Paul said:
The set time is only 20 minutes, just like milwaukee metalfest usually was. All the more reason to make sure you're on time!

Too bad Jason that you are a flake and not going to the show now. Cheap ass. Oh well. I am more concerned that the show will run long and the guy promoting the show said on the web site that it ends exactly at 10 due to curfew. I have a bad feeling that Macabre will get zero time. That sucks due to the fact I was planning on leaving after Kataklysm. but now I have to stay because I want to see macabre and I will be stuck watching Kittie.
Diabolik said:
Too bad Jason that you are a flake and not going to the show now. Cheap ass. Oh well. I am more concerned that the show will run long and the guy promoting the show said on the web site that it ends exactly at 10 due to curfew. I have a bad feeling that Macabre will get zero time. That sucks due to the fact I was planning on leaving after Kataklysm. but now I have to stay because I want to see macabre and I will be stuck watching Kittie.

Flake? Kind of a weak slam for someone who is planning on getting to the show AFTER Novembers Doom play.

Combination of ticket price and mother in the hospital recovering from brain surgery is keeping me away from the show.

I would be curious to know how they do the vendor set up at the Metro. I guess it could be downstairs or up in the balcony.
I'm not sure what the vendor set-up is going to be like actually. They might have the vendor tables placed sporadically throughout the venue as there is no really convenient big open area to place them all. Some people have said they presumed it'd be downstairs in the lobby but that seems a bit unlikely considering how they usually have the security and ticket check there at the far end of the lobby, it'd be hard to control who is coming in and who has already paid to get in and all that if people are going back and forth alot. I'm thinking there's a good chance that there'll be vendors set up inside the actual main stage room along the outer walls, since it's usually pretty empty over there even on crowded nights. We'll just have to see.

Oh, as for the photography thing, from what I understand, you are allowed to bring cameras to the show and take pictures. Video or motion photography is completely forbidden though. So Wildfyr should have no problems getting in and taking pics of whomever she wants, if I am understanding correctly.

I doubt Macabre's set will be cut even if the show runs late. Chances are more likely that one or more of the earlier band's sets will be cut shorter or completely. Hopefully, not ours, LOL.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
I'm not sure what the vendor set-up is going to be like actually. They might have the vendor tables placed sporadically throughout the venue as there is no really convenient big open area to place them all. Some people have said they presumed it'd be downstairs in the lobby but that seems a bit unlikely considering how they usually have the security and ticket check there at the far end of the lobby, it'd be hard to control who is coming in and who has already paid to get in and all that if people are going back and forth alot. I'm thinking there's a good chance that there'll be vendors set up inside the actual main stage room along the outer walls, since it's usually pretty empty over there even on crowded nights. We'll just have to see.

I guess you weren't at the Iced Earth/In Flames show back in 2003. Packed to the outer walls and all the way back to the bar. :p

Oh, as for the photography thing, from what I understand, you are allowed to bring cameras to the show and take pictures. Video or motion photography is completely forbidden though. So Wildfyr should have no problems getting in and taking pics of whomever she wants, if I am understanding correctly.

Excellent! (EDIT: I didn't quite think this through enough during my lunch break. My digital cam has video capability, so that probably means I can't get it in unless they allow me to be on the honor system and not take videos. I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to post them on my site anymore for a couple of reasons. One being that they take up waay too much room on the server, and 2) Dickheads who download them and then try to sell them as their own. *sigh* Oh well, I'll still look into borrowing my sister's Nikon but I'm not going to buy a shitload of film to try and take fotos of every band. I may not even bring a camera at all!)

I doubt Macabre's set will be cut even if the show runs late. Chances are more likely that one or more of the earlier band's sets will be cut shorter or completely. Hopefully, not ours, LOL.

I hope you guys don't get cut.