Frankcool, I think alot of our influences are quite similar, that's true. Paul and I are about the same age as Mike, we grew up being a part of the same underground scene and liking alot of the same bands. And I am very very influenced by Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin (especially their acoustic stuff), King Crimson, Camel, The Beatles, The Zombies, Jethro Tull.......which I know are also big influences on Opeth's music. I even just read that he said he's been influenced lately by old Alice Cooper, which made me laugh and sigh, because early Cooper is a MAJOR influence on me, and I've said many times over the years that "Love it To Death" is my number one album! So yeah yknow, it's just one of those things. I think it's cool that we have the same kinds of roots and tastes. We've talked with and hung out with those guys quite a few times over the many years and it's funny because other people always have to turn it into a competition or "which band is better" kind of thing, which I just never really got into (even in my own musical tastes and favorites). Rather than people turning their nose up at us because of our similarities, or letting the comparisons become such a major factor for them, I wish people would just listen and enjoy it for what it is, or dislike it on it's own merits and such. I think metal fans in particular get WAAAAAY too carried away with the "this band vs. this band" mentality, but that's just my opinion. Bottom line is, like I always say, there should be plenty enough room in this world for both us and Opeth, or whatever other band we're compared to or accused of copying.
And you totally hit upon the main thing that irks me, you are quite correct, people really do gotta start delving a bit deeper at some point than just the modern popular bands. I guess it's just common these days. People don't really like digging deeper into the roots of bands anymore, at least not in general. You get some fans who have a stronger yearning to discover more stuff, thankfully. I mean totally besides ND and all that stuff, just as a metal fan and music fan I get irked when people don't bother doing their musical homework but at the same time are so damn outspoken and opinionated about stuff.
Recently I had a friend mention to me that they thought I'd borrowed a bit from Zeppelin for one of the new songs. Honestly? It's true, I did! I can't get mad about being called out for it when it's true! LOL So I don't mind being called on shit like that as long as there's some real merit for it. People accusing us of copying off of these bands like Opeth and Swallow The Sun (yes I've heard that one recently, and I really don't get that one either *scratches head*) are just plain stupid, haha.