God Bless America and Fuck Your President

AjDeath said:
My, my. You are a moron. I will join the Union army too.

My, my. You can go fuck yourself for all I care. This has nothing to do with a union army. Im from the south and I dont believe all that Union/confederate bullshit. I dont fly a fucking confederate flag in my yard and I loathe people who do. It was a war over a hundred years ago and people who still look to it for signs of rebellion are retarded.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
Okay, so, let's asses...

Now that we have 4 more years of this dopey John Wayne wannabe running our country...

-I will no longer be able to decide what happens to my body

-A good amount of my friends won't be able to get married

-People with spinal injuries won't have any hope of being able to walk again

-My kids will probobly be forced to hear the story of the Creation in school

-Schools like the one I used to go to when I was little will have more money to teach kids about God than schools like the one I go to now will have to fund real education

-More national landmarks in our country will be attacked and more people will be killed because we took our forces away from hunting for the person who actually attacked our country to hunt the person who threatened our president's daddy 10 years ago and has contol of the country with a fucking huge oil supply.

-Thousands more people will either willingly sign up for their death or be sent to it for all the new wars George W. Bush can start in the next 4 years.

-Billions more dollars will be spent to keep soldiers over seas fighting pretend wars, and to buy GW more cowboy boots and keep his golf courses looking nice.

-All of the world's smaller nations will eventually gang up on us and blow us to shit because we think we have the might to keep a bunch of other cultures under our thumb.

... just planning ahead, folks.
LIsten, Its been like this since the begining of this country, the country listen to what the canidates have to say, the country decides who to vote for, the people vote, And a leader is elected..............you may not like the results, but in reality theres nothing you can do about it, bitching about it isnt going to change it, all it is going to do is get your blood pressure up, and give you a head ache and basicly just make you bitter...........The only way shit is going to change is if the MAJORITY of the people in this country feel that things are going in the wrong direction, and while it was real close, the majority has spoken,..............next election if ya`ll are really in to it like this year, make sure EVERYONE with your veiws goes out and votes for a president/congressmen/local officials that support your veiws and are willing to make a change................that is the only way there will be change..............
Now that we have 4 more years of this dopey John Wayne wannabe running our country.
...oh and just remember that name calling weakens ones argument and takes the intelligence out of it
Wolftribe said:
just because the wrong candidate got elected, doesn't mean we should silence our voices.
I never said you should be silent........All Im saying is name calling isnt going to solve anything, it is just going to re-enforce what people have been saying about the democratic party, theres no need for it..........I can understand where dreaming neon darkspot is coming from, but at the same time I dont belive what he/she ( not sure of gender ) had to say......... and I didnt call him a fucking Idiot or say that his opinion was stupid.........but I think he will be proved wrong on alot of those points

The whole reason we are here on this message board is to talk about our common intrests, I LOVE nevermore, I LOVE metal period........ I am a member of the republican party (yeah I know BOOOOOOOOO) the whole reason I voted for Bush is because I feel hes doing the right thing, hes not taking any shit from other countrys who wish to decide what goes on with-in our country and the whole reason I would never vote for kerry was one video of him burning and pissing on a american flag........I voted for clinton twice because his ideas for the economy were very good and i caught alot of flack for voting for him .........I did what I thought was right......just like you guys voted for who you thought was right........
I never said you should be silent........
you may not like the results, but in reality theres nothing you can do about it, bitching about it isnt going to change it, all it is going to do is get your blood pressure up, and give you a head ache and basicly just make you bitter...........

If we dont speak out against him, he has the ability to do whatever he wants, unchecked. There is a reason for it.
Okay, I understand just how disgustingly biased and narrow-minded most Democrats are. Because they are.
Maybe it's because belief and personal opinions are a form of politics also, but there are always going to be people who disagree with what the government does.
Maybe a large percentage of the nation's citizens only voted for Bush because he got us into this war and they want him to get us out (which Kerry would've done a shitty job of, anyway). They probobly either don't give a fuck about gay marriage, abortion, and stem-cell research, or support it but just feel more strongly about the war, which is a smart choice. It's just that the person who won the Presidency again happens to be a former alcoholic who became a born-again Christian after he was arrested for a DWI, and he's doing a lot of things that go against what I see as right, because he has the power and the poison of extreme fanatic belief.

ON NOES WE DOOMED IM MOVING TO CANADA!!!!11one!!!!!!11!1!1!one!!one11

NOES NOES1111oneoneone

i am so gri|\/| and KVLT that I can't stand to live in a nation of people controlled by a Christian!!111!!111!!111


cuz they suxx00rr hardXcore
My, my. You can go fuck yourself for all I care. This has nothing to do with a union army. Im from the south and I dont believe all that Union/confederate bullshit. I dont fly a fucking confederate flag in my yard and I loathe people who do. It was a war over a hundred years ago and people who still look to it for signs of rebellion are retarded.
The Unoin comment was in reference to the guy that said that he was joining the Unoin army, this time the Unoin is seceding. Not directed at you at all.
old school headbanger said:
I never said you should be silent........All Im saying is name calling isnt going to solve anything, it is just going to re-enforce what people have been saying about the democratic party, theres no need for it..........I can understand where dreaming neon darkspot is coming from, but at the same time I dont belive what he/she ( not sure of gender ) had to say......... and I didnt call him a fucking Idiot or say that his opinion was stupid.........but I think he will be proved wrong on alot of those points

The whole reason we are here on this message board is to talk about our common intrests, I LOVE nevermore, I LOVE metal period........ I am a member of the republican party (yeah I know BOOOOOOOOO) the whole reason I voted for Bush is because I feel hes doing the right thing, hes not taking any shit from other countrys who wish to decide what goes on with-in our country and the whole reason I would never vote for kerry was one video of him burning and pissing on a american flag........I voted for clinton twice because his ideas for the economy were very good and i caught alot of flack for voting for him .........I did what I thought was right......just like you guys voted for who you thought was right........
Heh. At least you are keeping this bullshit here and not being a fag at SoT, I will now do likewise.
AjDeath said:
The Unoin comment was in reference to the guy that said that he was joining the Unoin army, this time the Unoin is seceding. Not directed at you at all.

mmmm but you replied using my statement and called me a moron no??????
If I am wrong here then i apologize but if it was directed at me then I stand by my original statement.
Bushies - few questions for you :Spin:

Have you learnt nothing?

Do you despise your own image that much?

Do you care so little about the world beyond your shores?

How could you do this to yourselves?

How appalling must one man's record at home and abroad be for you to reject him?

How many more thousands will die as Iraq descends into a new Vietnam?

How many more Vietnams are on the horizon now they have given Bush the mandate to go after Iran, Syria, North Korea or Cuba...?


Cunts - Why do you give a shit about name calling? Do you really care that much when I call you a cunt? :Smokin:
Brother Marquis said:
Bushies - few questions for you :Spin:

Have you learnt nothing? Have you sucked dick?

Do you despise your own image that much? No but the way you say bro irks me to no end.

Do you care so little about the world beyond your shores? I really dont give ashit

How could you do this to yourselves? Because we can and its lowering the world population , now on to China.

How appalling must one man's record at home and abroad be for you to reject him? Pretty appualing. Kerry's a bitch and a worm and Bushs daughters are hotter.

How many more thousands will die as Iraq descends into a new Vietnam? As many as needed its a change in the world.

How many more Vietnams are on the horizon now they have given Bush the mandate to go after Iran, Syria, North Korea or Cuba...? Yeah mass genocide
is acceptable by me. Time to change the world for the worse or better either way.

Dude Im just fucking with ya. Dont go ballistic on me.

Wolftribe said:

If we dont speak out against him, he has the ability to do whatever he wants, unchecked. There is a reason for it.
your right, but bitching here isnt going to do it

there are ways to get your point across, write you congressman, gather your fellow liberals together and have a rally . putting presure on politicians works.........
now I have to go and annoy a few fuckers on the SOT board..............
Brother Marquis said:
Bushies - few questions for you :Spin:

Have you learnt nothing?

Do you despise your own image that much?

Do you care so little about the world beyond your shores?

How could you do this to yourselves?

How appalling must one man's record at home and abroad be for you to reject him?

How many more thousands will die as Iraq descends into a new Vietnam?

How many more Vietnams are on the horizon now they have given Bush the mandate to go after Iran, Syria, North Korea or Cuba...?


Cunts - Why do you give a shit about name calling? Do you really care that much when I call you a cunt? :Smokin:
you see, this is the point, one of the reason I voted for Bush is because I dont think the rest of the world should have a say in what we do...... you are not even American.........why do you care what we as a country do? If anything, people like you helped Bush win......