I like the guitar tone.

But I hate to say it: I would dig it even more if it was quantized. :(

but yah dude. I thought it was too wide at first, but I dig it. Good job.

Thanks man.
I have no idea how to quantize. That's next on my list of things to do. :]

Jesus man that sounds incredible! Would ou object to throwing the individual tracks up minus EQ etc? Something like this would be awesome to learn from...

I've always struggled with the inputs of everything, I don't know what the instruemnts should sound like in a mix ya know? So it's shooting in the dark... if you could post up the individual parts like bass guitar and drums just 3 tracks or 4 if there's 2 guitars un altered, and just what they sound like when recorded straight in you'd really help me out, no doubt alot of others too!

Also do you record the tracks in mono or stereo? And lastly how many tracks do you have in total? Double tracked guitars?

anyway I know this is alot to ask hahaha but I'm still waiting for someone to do this so I can learn from it, and until someone can help me out I'm just shooting in the dark all the time.

but seriously insane job it rules!

love the guitar tone!

thanks man


Well, right after recording this.. I reformatted my computer, and all my drum tracks were on my HDD. Everything else was on my external. I didn't know this at the time, so I lost my drum tracks for this song. :(

Otherwise, I'd be happy to upload it. I think we're going to re-record the song, so after we do that, I'll put it up? :]

As far as tracking details:
It's just dual tracked. 1 guitar on each side. 100% L & R.
I record everything in mono. :headbang:

I believe there were around 15 tracks without vocals. :p

3 snare tracks (different samples blended)
1 kick track
2 tom tracks
2 OH tracks
2 guitar tracks
3 bass tracks
2 audio clip tracks
Thanks man.
I have no idea how to quantize. That's next on my list of things to do. :]

Well, right after recording this.. I reformatted my computer, and all my drum tracks were on my HDD. Everything else was on my external. I didn't know this at the time, so I lost my drum tracks for this song. :(

Otherwise, I'd be happy to upload it. I think we're going to re-record the song, so after we do that, I'll put it up? :]

As far as tracking details:
It's just dual tracked. 1 guitar on each side. 100% L & R.
I record everything in mono. :headbang:

I believe there were around 15 tracks without vocals. :p

3 snare tracks (different samples blended)
1 kick track
2 tom tracks
2 OH tracks
2 guitar tracks
3 bass tracks
2 audio clip tracks

3 bass tracks!!! Jesus christ what for? hahaha and also 3 snare tracks? These things are new to me.. also man I was more interested in the bass and guitars rather than the drums.. so if that option is still available that would be incredible man!

thanks for the reply and details!
3 bass tracks!!! Jesus christ what for? hahaha and also 3 snare tracks? These things are new to me.. also man I was more interested in the bass and guitars rather than the drums.. so if that option is still available that would be incredible man!

thanks for the reply and details!

3 snare tracks. Yepp. I just stick different samples on them and blend them together. Gets a unique sound.

Also, the 3 bass tracks are..
1 DI

All EQ'ed and setup differently.
I use Waves MaxxBass and RBass on my SUB BASS tracks.
And I use B.I.G on my distortion bass track.

There's absolutely nothing on the DI track.

Also, these guitars are DIs and processed with ampsims.
Do you want the DI or the preprocessed tracks?
3 snare tracks. Yepp. I just stick different samples on them and blend them together. Gets a unique sound.

Also, the 3 bass tracks are..
1 DI

All EQ'ed and setup differently.
I use Waves MaxxBass and RBass on my SUB BASS tracks.
And I use B.I.G on my distortion bass track.

There's absolutely nothing on the DI track.

Also, these guitars are DIs and processed with ampsims.
Do you want the DI or the preprocessed tracks?

Ahh they are DI's! I understand now.. well effectively I'm trying to find guitars that are recorded with a mic etc so that I can get a decent tone in my garage setup. So I guess that the processed ones would be a better reference than the direct DI (unless it's a DI from an amp and not the guitar?)

And what are those bass things you mentioned? for e.g for our bass we use a D.I and that's it.. what is the whole Sub-Bass aspect and how do you deal with that? FOR eg what is B.I.G and RBass?

thanks man!