
Aug 6, 2012
God is an old man with a white beard sitting in the clouds watching everything we do.
He will come down from heaven riding a reindeer unicorn hybrid waving an M-60 magic wond. Spreading magic fairy and pixie dust He will make all bad things go away. Ninja Jesus will be on his right side, taking out atheist and buddhists with his super magic bomerang - crown of thorns +6 (woven of thorn branches). And there's a bunch of angels with swords and skateboards.

”As an atheist, having a Christian threaten me with hell is like having a hippy threaten to punch me in my aura.” - Josh Thomas

Satanists have God in their head. They shouldn't have that. Kinda like this -





has anyone heard the story of "the christians on the beach"

once upon a time, there was a group of Christians living in a city full of pagans

the Christians decided they didn't want to live with the pagans anymore

so the Christians built their own seperate city, on the beach

when a hurricane came, they said "god is testing us"

when they saw that the hurricane had destroyed all the buildings, they say "satan destroyed the buildings"

when they noticed that no one had died, they called it a "miracle", that "god had saved everyone's life"

the pagans, on the other hand, avoided the hurricane altogether,
i think it's hilarious that the thread entitles "satan" has so many more posts than the thread entitled "god"
God is an old man with a white beard sitting in the clouds watching everything we do.
He will come down from heaven riding a reindeer unicorn hybrid waving an M-60 magic wond. Spreading magic fairy and pixie dust He will make all bad things go away. Ninja Jesus will be on his right side, taking out atheist and buddhists with his super magic bomerang - crown of thorns +6 (woven of thorn branches). And there's a bunch of angels with swords and skateboards.
has anyone heard the story of "the christians on the beach"

once upon a time, there was a group of Christians living in a city full of pagans

the Christians decided they didn't want to live with the pagans anymore

so the Christians built their own seperate city, on the beach

when a hurricane came, they said "god is testing us"

when they saw that the hurricane had destroyed all the buildings, they say "satan destroyed the buildings"

when they noticed that no one had died, they called it a "miracle", that "god had saved everyone's life"

the pagans, on the other hand, avoided the hurricane altogether,
God? The idea is an effort out of desperation to explain our relationship to the natural world of phenomena. It is an effort to snuff out blind chance in a naturally chaotic environment. Well... This is the anthropomorphized version of "god" anyways.

I feel like technically I'd consider myself a pantheist. I believe that the universe does have a natural order, but I make no claims to divinity. The whole of reality is what it is and that is perfection enough. Though earlier I admitted that reality is chaotic, I also must concede that through chaos it formulates itself.

The concept of god in the first sense is so harmful because it gives one permission to objectify reality and berate others. Simultaneously, however, I believe there is a need to objectify some of reality out of simple logic. Killing another human can be situation specific, but killing just to kill is something I would personally call "wrong", but that is a whole other argument in and of itself.

So what have I said? Not much really... Anways zealots, theocrats, and metaphysical objectivists tend to annoy me, but I am endlessly entertained by their vigor dedication to their cause. Call me a third person observer. We may or may not find out about "god" when we die. What evs. If we think about it too much life will pass us by.
Well put Finality.
But there is no longer such a thing as a third person observer.
The true zealots claim their rights are violated when they don't get to force their believes on others. They are pushing their agenda hard and atheists, third person observers and people of other faiths are all the enemy.
If you do not wish to convert to the "true faith", being passive and neutral is no longer an option.
They really think they are at war (and they are behaving accordingly). They will not respect your personal believes.
Well put Finality.
But there is no longer such a thing as a third person observer.
The true zealots claim their rights are violated when they don't get to force their believes on others. They are pushing their agenda hard and atheists, third person observers and people of other faiths are all the enemy.
If you do not wish to convert to the "true faith", being passive and neutral is no longer an option.
They really think they are at war (and they are behaving accordingly). They will not respect your personal believes.

Thanks! And I know there's no true third person. If it's a war over my soul I will fight them for it. I have a great disdain for the Islam fundamentalists especially. Also, there's a large, almost cult-like following, of Christian zealots in the area I live in. The isolation these mountains breed, I believe, causes people to latch onto anything... So I haven't always been a third person. It's just a lot easier to let a fool persist in his folly until he becomes wise... Or rather, I've given up on dealing with them unless I'm directly confronted.
Thanks! And I know there's no true third person. If it's a war over my soul I will fight them for it. I have a great disdain for the Islam fundamentalists especially. Also, there's a large, almost cult-like following, of Christian zealots in the area I live in. The isolation these mountains breed, I believe, causes people to latch onto anything... So I haven't always been a third person. It's just a lot easier to let a fool persist in his folly until he becomes wise... Or rather, I've given up on dealing with them unless I'm directly confronted.
I've given up on them. Won't deal with them no matter what.
No point - waste of time. I mean - how does one go about unconverting zealots?
Maybe this makes me more of an observer than you? You taking them on if confronted.
When they show up on my doorstep I just tell'em - no sale!
I've given up on them. Won't deal with them no matter what.
No point - waste of time. I mean - how does one go about unconverting zealots?
Maybe this makes me more of an observer than you? You taking them on if confronted.
When they show up on my doorstep I just tell'em - no sale!

Who said I was trying to convert them? It's simple. When I'm told that I'm going to hell, I point out the flaws in their non-logic and enjoy the rage they throw at me. I see your point. It's truly a waste of time if one puts a serious effort in trying to change the mind of a person who has been raised in such a manner. I guess I'm in somewhat of a paradoxical place; admittedly too. You're definitely more of an observer.


You: "GTFO"
Uuuugh, the old Atheist V theist debate lol.

Will this ever end :?

I'm an atheist by the way, just in case any of you where wondering XD.

I dunno, I am soooo bored of this debate. There is only so many times you can try and explain evolution to a young earther before you want to beat your own head into a brick wall till the pain of their ignorance subsides...

But, hey if people wanna believe in invisible wizards, that's their choice!
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A very useful Bible quote for us anti-theists is the one where St Paul explains how the Pagans were already cool. At least, they were by Paul's standards. But they were also cool in ways Paul doesn't mention and wouldn't like LOL.

Romans 2:14-15

New International Version (NIV)

14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)
A very useful Bible quote for us anti-theists is the one where St Paul explains how the Pagans were already cool. At least, they were by Paul's standards. But they were also cool in ways Paul doesn't mention and wouldn't like LOL.


i've seen Christian's use this verse to say that those specific people that have never encountered the Bible still have "morality" even though they've never even heard of the book of Leviticus, let alone read it, but i think this is pretty much bullshit, and here's why

"you wouldn't have to make a rule against something if no one had the inclination to break that rule to begin with"
(can someone please tell me which philosopher type guy hat i'm quoting here)
what i'm trying to say is that, according to Thomas Hobbes, the rules in Exodus/Leviticus/Dueteronomy are basically pretty much just a listing of things humans would naturally do with the instruction "don't do these things"
and i think this view on "law" is totally applicable to the rules regulations of any society, even the pagan ones
the "laws of the land" exist to prevent people from doing the things that they would instinctively do, no matter which "land" you're in

individual people have differences in terms of what they consider "immoral"

where a guy who forcefully rapes adult women, or a guy with sleeping beauty syndrome who molests unconcious adult women will think of himself as better than a pedophile, just because he's raping adult women instead of children

but a pedophile, on the otherhand, will actually seduce the children, where he will think of himself as better that the guy that forces himself on the aduly women

a totally sober drug-dealer thinks of himself as better than the drug-users he sells to

but the hard-core users, see what's happening to themselves and they think of themselves as better than the dealers because they'll say to themselves "I'm only harming myself, I'm not harming other people"

there are homeless women who "look sexy" and they're broke because they refuse to become prostitutes, these women see themselves as better than the prostitutes

but there are some prostitutes who see males as "perpetually horny" or "a life-support system for a penis" where these women actually feel superior to those specific women that refuse to do sex-work

my point here is
that for any rule you could find in The Bible, there are going to be people who would "instictively break that rule" if it wasn't there

Leviticus says homosexuality is wrong only because homoseuality already exists
Leviticus says bestiality is wrong because there are already people who are sexually atracted to animals
Leviticus says "a man shall not have sex with both a mother and her daughter" because there were already people doing that
non-Kosher food is delicious
the 10 Commandments includes a rule about not killing because serial killers already existed
the 10 Commandments includes "honor thy mother and father" just simply because some of the people that breed are horrible parents and aren't instictively honered by their children (trust me, a child is going to notice when their parent sucks at being a parent)
"God don't make no mistakes, that's how he got to be God." -- Archie Bunker

: )

"He's not the kind you have to wind up on Sunday." -- Ian Anderson (I think?) : D
Just one thing. You can't judge the original, actual christian message by looking at some Christians or what catholic christianity has done in history. There's literally zero relation between on one hand the Crusaders massacring foreigners for wealth, the pope and Nazi-helping Vatican, pedophile priests and on the other, the actual message of Christ you can read at any given time at very least brief quotes of on the internet through google if you don't have more than 5min to grant.

Christ's message, whether you believe in God even or not, is pure goodness objectively.
It's just basically this:
don't hurt ppl, don't hurt yourself. Be humble, not a fucking asshole. Be nice, straight-forward, welcoming, warm, not a fucking egotistical, selfish moron. Say the truth even if it separates you from some, don't be a fucking pussy who'll say things just to be accepted. Don't be a fucking number in this pathetic, sad society.
If a dude's an asshole to you, don't look for revenge, be the far bigger man and walk away, and wish for him to heal from his idiocy and weakness.
Don't hold grudges, liberate yourself through mental strength.
Don't lie, steal, kill, hurt or wtvr.

If you think the above is stupid or wtvr, you just have some maturing to do, some common sense and life experience to acquire, or you're just pathologically repressed from the very topic of Christ and God.
I'm saying you don't even have to be a Christian, a Buddhist or nothin'. Just be a good person, not a fucking little bitch who only thinks about his image and self.