Just one thing. You can't judge the original, actual christian message by looking at some Christians or what catholic christianity has done in history.
Not sure if anyone is. I don't have a problem with the love message, what Jesus talked about.
And think it's proven that a Jesus did live, and got crucified, at that time.
I didn't argue the new testament. But the old one?

There's literally zero relation between on one hand the Crusaders massacring foreigners for wealth, the pope and Nazi-helping Vatican, pedophile priests and on the other, the actual message of Christ you can read at any given time at very least brief quotes of on the internet through google if you don't have more than 5min to grant.

Christ's message, whether you believe in God even or not, is pure goodness objectively.
It's just basically this:
don't hurt ppl, don't hurt yourself. Be humble, not a fucking asshole. Be nice, straight-forward, welcoming, warm, not a fucking egotistical, selfish moron. Say the truth even if it separates you from some, don't be a fucking pussy who'll say things just to be accepted. Don't be a fucking number in this pathetic, sad society.
If a dude's an asshole to you, don't look for revenge, be the far bigger man and walk away, and wish for him to heal from his idiocy and weakness.
Don't hold grudges, liberate yourself through mental strength.
Don't lie, steal, kill, hurt or wtvr.

If you think the above is stupid or wtvr, you just have some maturing to do, some common sense and life experience to acquire, or you're just pathologically repressed from the very topic of Christ and God.
I'm saying you don't even have to be a Christian, a Buddhist or nothin'. Just be a good person, not a fucking little bitch who only thinks about his image and self.

I think it's funny how self-proclaimed Christian people spend their lifes chasing money in a bubble of self righteousness.

I'm polytheist and I don't think my viewpoint about universe, life and stuff is an absolute true.
I believe in true christians, but most of them are hypocrites and preach things they don't do.
A perfect example of christian hypocrisy: they are homophobes but like to somodize women and watch lesbian porn videos...

I think religion isn't important, your attitudes are.