
Kvlt Wench said:
I had an excellent day. I went jetskiing on some lake and kind of went insane and managed to throw both of us overboard twice. The second time we landed about twenty feet away from the jetski and there was much paaaaiiin. But it was savage as fuck.

And then we went to some fancy lakeside restaurant and ate lots of cake (amaretto cheese cake and chocolate mocha cappuccino :hypno:).

And I checked my messages and:

Eric is coming to SF for shows


my mom doesn't have cancer.

Just thought I'd share. :kickass:
awesome news about you mom. It's cool that you had fun.

Did you say amaretto cheesecake? Damn that sounds yummy. I am a huge fan of cheesecake.
on my book that is an awesome day. I\'m happy that your mom doesn\'t have cancer.

I\'m going jetskying in grece on monday. Thought i would share that and tomorrow is my dad\'s birthday is tomorrow.

have fun for the rest of your stay in idaho wench
Metal head87 said:
Cool Demonoid pic on your sig Trace Of Blood. It's about time somebody else listens to them.

Congratulations for you mom Wench. That must have been amazing news to hear.

Yes, it is a great, no-bullshit album. It just kicks ass all the way through.
firewalkjen said:
awesome news about you mom. It's cool that you had fun.

Did you say amaretto cheesecake? Damn that sounds yummy. I am a huge fan of cheesecake.

+ 1. I can make a bad-ass cheesecake. :Smug:
Nice news about your mother also.

Wanna see this Leprechaun movie, looked funny and was tempting to buy. Oh well, next time.
I hate you and your eventful vacation. And that's awesome about your mom.

I have had four cups of coffee and am not working.
Who cares about the cheesecake. I just want the amaretto, preferably Disarrono, but I'm not too picky. If you're going to have an Iron Chef thingy, can I judge the alcoholic drinks?
because on my dad's laptop the keyboard is fucked up, i mean you never know what language it is set on, either french or romanian and that fucks up for some reason. From my mom's computer it is ok, like right now.
i take advantage of this post to wish you a seattle show setlist full of POE/ST/dnb/im/tge songs that will make will and the others have an orgasm the moment they hopefully open the set with no more will or what tomorrow knows.
have fun. Shit is i won't be there, although i live 10 months a year in seattle. Hope we get another headlining show in seattle for christmas.
Fuck you too! *hugs his cheesecake* Only Isabel gets some, the rest of you can go away! *dips finger* Chocolate.

Edit: I suppose Derick can have some too.