Good, cheap overheads?

I was going to say that as well, get something worthwhile now so you don't have to try and sell the cheap mics later to come up with more money for the good ones later :) If you decide to quit audio the decent mics will bring a better return anyway if you go to sell them.

Well, the thing is. You can easily find the mics I'm looking at used. The others, not so much, so I'd have to buy new. That means, that if I did sell them, I would lose money, whereas buying the other ones used, I have a chance of getting them so cheap, that I might even make money :p

Either way, I submitted an offer on a pair of NT-5s on eBay. I don't expect it to get it as low as I offered, but maybe he'll give a counter offer somewhere in the middle. They're a little more than I was wanting to spend, but a lot less than a new pair, so I'd be willing to spend the cash in this case ;) If I do get them, I'll still probably pick up a used pair of the Samson CO2s, they're so cheap that I'd like to give them a try either way. Would give me a comparison to just how good the NT-5s are compared to them.
I actually have some C02's and the matched NT5's, never done a comparison of them, may have to do that next drummer that comes in.
Not sure on the price but I've heard M Audio Pulsar's are meant to be good.

Plenty of people on here are happy with the Oktava's and Rode's.

Hmm, the Pulsars seem to be going fairly cheap on eBay for the pair. Anyone have any experience with these?

I tried submitting 3 offers on a pair of NT-5s and was denied all 3 times. It wasn't even like I was lowballing :mad: If people aren't going to take offers, they shouldn't have "Or Best Offer" on their auctions!!
Hmm, I've been listening to some overhead shoot outs, and one that really stuck out to me in one set of recordings was the AT2020... But then I heard it in another recording and didn't like it nearly as much. Same with the Karma K10, sounded great in some recordings and kinda "meh" in others. I haven't found any clips of the 603s in shootouts yet though. Hmm....
Well, I decided I'm just going to wait until I can get a pair of NT-5s for cheap (I noticed a couple of the past ones that have sold on eBay went for REALLY cheap, so I don't mind waiting), and bought a few cheaper Overheads to hold me over and try out.

I'll try and get some comparison clips when I get them... but I bought a pair of Samson CO2s, a pair of Behringer C-2s and (1) M-Audio Pulsar (just because it was so cheap haha). I wanted to grab a set of MXL 603s or 604s as well... but they were almost as much for a pair as the other 5 mics I bought... so I figured that money would be better kept in my bank account until I find a cheap set of NT-5s ;)
Really? I have a matched pair and think they sound..weird. It has too much mid is just weird. Not good for OHs. I a dying to sell them and buy Oktavas instead.

how much you selling them for?:rock: yeah I thought they were kinda weird at first. was just using them for ride and hat. recently I switched em around and used em for my crashes(I guess technically not an overhead) and I'm really liking how they handle the eq in the mix on crashes vs my sm81's.
find rode nt5s used or akg c1000s on craigslist

Neither one are ever on my CL, at least for a good price, I did pick up a bunch of overheads for super cheap though:

2 x Oktava MC-012
2 x Samson CO2
2 x M-Audio Pulsar II
2 x Karma K-Micro


One of these days I'll actually get around to trying them out and seeing which ones I like.