Good female metal?

Good stuff being posted here - Glad to see!
For those of you who liked the first one, I saw right now that new stuff was posted earlier today which I found really interesting.

Lustravi comes to mind first. They are a black metal band with a female singer/bassist, and their guitarist is a hilarious YouTube user called The Metal Monster.
Detente (with Dawn especially)
Ozzman already mentioned them on the first page, but Détente and Dawn Crosby can't be mentioned often enough, thus I fully second - or in this case "third" - this recommendation. Since you mentioned Détente, I wonder if you are also familiar with Sacrilege's debut "Behind the Realms of Madness", because it's very similar to "Recongnize No Authority" (though I like the latter a bit better).

Talking about Thrash Metal, I would also like to mention Battlefield's debut EP, "We Come to Fight":

It seems to me that, unfortunately, on nearly all the clips from this EP you find on youtube, the vocals are barely audible, which according to my own impression isn't the case on the original recording - but maybe that's only the difference between listening to youtube-clips on my notebook and to an album on my stereo system. There's also a very obscure live-clip (not sure, if this was actually played live or just playback) of the title track, allegedly from a German TV-Show (must have been aired on some private channel):

The qualtiy is rather poor, but this was 30 years ago and possibly transferred several times from one videotape to another, before finally someone uploaded it on youtube.
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Finally found a song from what seems to be my most valuable CD (according to discogs), Mother Earth's "Transitions":

I also found this (obscure) clip with some live excerpts of a few other songs interrupted by interview-parts:

Why it says "Doom Metal band" in the description below the youtube-clip is beyond me.