Good headphones?


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
Right, my situation here is that it's way expensive (nearly the cost of new ones) to post my monitors to my new appartment... and being typical of this fucking country, i don't have a carpet! Hahaha! WHY!? Carpets rock...


I'm gonna buy some smaller monitors (used to use Event ALP5) or maybe even considering investing in some GOOD headphones... I know folk do amazing mixes with headphones (bob) and i've asked him but any other advice would be great as he's upgrading and would probably make the same thread! Haha!

Basically, what headphones have a good response and as even as possible frequency spectrum?

Advice would be great, i know the situation isn't ideal but i can't acoustically treat here for a while and even talking echoes :loco:.
Going between either them or Sennheiser HD650 at the moment.. can get sennheisers a bit cheaper maybe.. but any other feedback?
See with headphones like the Sennheiser HD650... I'm gonna be connecting to a toneport UX2... will i need a headphone amp or?
so, my worries, just to make certain...

ADK/Sennheisers, what difference does a break in ake? don't wanna spend ages with headphones before they are useful...

and with the toneport UX2, would a headphone amp make stuff sound better or is it pointless?
I read 300 in a lot of places but frakly, if it takes 12 days of solid music to make them sound good, that can fuck right off... :lol:
with the toneport UX2, would a headphone amp make stuff sound better or is it pointless?

I think it´s pointless. Toneport has a good headphone output level, with individual volume knob. If you are willing to pay for really good headphones and amp maybe you should see if a good small near field monitor (like Yamaha HS50M) isn´t a better deal.